Monday, July 12, 2010

Do you think these are good enough reasons convince someone that animal testing is bad?

1. It’s wrong to subject animals to imprisonment, violence, and death—animals are not ours to use for experimentation.

2. Ninety-two out of every 100 drugs that pass animal tests fail in clinical trials in people. Every year in the United States alone, there are more than 100,000 human deaths caused by drugs that were successfully tested on animals.

3. Animals don’t suffer from diseases in the same way that people do. The former head of the U.S. National Cancer Institute summarized the last 25 years of cancer research by admitting that “the history of cancer research has been the history of curing cancer in the mouse. We have cured mice of cancer for decades, and it simply didn’t work in humans ....”

4. Animal studies mislead researchers and waste precious time and resources. Famed primatologist and Harvard professor Richard Wrangham points out: “Every significant advance in the fight against AIDS has come through in vitro work, epidemiology, and studies of human volunteers.

Do you think these are good enough reasons convince someone that animal testing is bad?
Oddly enough, Peta kills more animals every year than any other organization. I really think we need to investigate them as well as their crazy leader, Ingrid Newkirk.

It's sad when the very groups who proclaim to protect animals are the biggest violators.

I love animals, that's why I don't like Peta.
Reply:Chemicals and drugs need to be tested, there is no doubt about that.

I guess the question remains about how this can be done safely.
Reply:I think those are great reasons. I did a paper my freshman year in college on 'legal animal cruelty' also. I had found some interesting sites that had stories of animal studies done by the military including how certain chemicals would affect the skin by pouring them on animals and studying how burns affect people by setting fire to animals. You should read about how Eukanuba and Iams treat their test cats and dogs- purposely inducing kidney disease, force feeding them certain ingredients.

So far I think your paper sounds better than mine did!
Reply:I agree that these reasons *should* be convincing, %26amp; am surprised that some of my loved ones still put so much faith in animal testing.

For me, it is more than enough to think of all the creatures that suffer in labs, especially when safe %26amp; effective alternatives exist. One company responded to my letter of protest that they 'don't use dogs, cats or primates' in their tests, as if all that matters are traditionally 'cute' animals. As it happens, we have companion rats %26amp; mice %26amp; we love them as much as our more conventional pets-- even if I didn't particularly like rodents I would not want them to suffer.

What stuns me is that there is ample evidence that these tests are inaccurate %26amp; misleading, yet ppl still put faith in them, which is *not* good science. Look how often a new drug is approved as 'safe' b/c animal tests have 'proved its saftey' but the drug is pulled from the market b/c humans are having bad, sometimes fatal, reactions.
Reply:who do we test on then? you would have practically no medicines or any chemicals with out it, think about it? are you willing to give everything up? besides have you seen what chimps do to each other in the wild, they hunt other chimps and rip( this is no joke!) their face, genitals, feet and hands off. I'm going to boycott chimps and argue for more testing on them WHO'S WITH ME? oh yeah and PETA( also known as fur nazis) are bad,bad,bad people
Reply:I agree,,,,hey i say take all the child molesters rapist that are in prison and test on them they desreve to be tortured

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