Friday, July 16, 2010

I am currently taking Zoloft for Clinical Depression and OCD. It really helps my Depression but...?

As I said, the Zoloft helps a lot with my Depression, but it has little to no effect on my OCD. I am on the max dose of 200 mg. a day and I still have these rituals and muscle twitches that I have to do. This is also causing panic attacks because of me constantly fighting the anxiety. I checked and did some research and I hear nothing but good feedback about how Zoloft is the "wonder drug" for OCD. I am feeling a little down and concerned because I feel like I am the only "odd ball" out there who is not being helped by this "wonder drug". I also take Trazodone at night for Chronic Insomnia because the level of my OCD anxiety is so bad. Someone please help? Is there something wrong with me that the Sertraline (Zoloft) doesn't help? Thanks so much for taking the time to read/answer this. It really means a lot to me.

I am currently taking Zoloft for Clinical Depression and OCD. It really helps my Depression but...?
Your not the "odd ball". I have OCD and the Zoloft helped a while with my depression but did not help my OCD either. Different things are going to help for different people as far as medication goes. Luvox was originally prescribed strictly for the treatment of OCD so you may want to ask your Dr. about that. Ultimately, since OCD stems from anxiety and only proceeds to get worse during anxiety producing situations, whether consciously or sub-consciously, the best treatment is cognitive behavioral therapy so you can get to the root of what is really causing the thoughts, anxiety, etc. It is an arduous process but it is every bit worth it. My OCD has improved tremendously, even though I can still "have my days". Things can and will get better. I hope things are better for you very soon and I wish you the best~
Reply:I have the same issues myself: OCD and depression. I take Lexapro which actually helps me on both levels. It seems that the paranoia and second-guessing myself on the OCD is so much better and it helps battle the depression. Perhaps try bringing up this medication with your psych. A year is too long for the Zoloft to not take effect. It might take 6 weeks or so on the Lexapro to see significant changes. I only have to take 20 mg of the Lexapro, and it's helped tremendously. It's an idea. Good luck!
Reply:See a psychiatrist. There are other med options. Since you also mentioned anxiety and insomnia, some questions.

Is it that you can't sleep but need sleep? Or, is it that you don't need much sleep but are so irritated by the OCD that you want sleep to turn it off?

What's your energy level like? A little too high?

OCD, insomnia, plus anxiety can in fact be hypomania (subthreshold mania). It is not at all unusual for bipolar type II to have those symptoms when hypo, or have those symptoms plus depression when in a mixed state. And, antidepressants usually are a not the best experience for bipolars.

All of the above might very well be off base (it does sound like you have OCD regardless of anything else), but seeing a psychiatrist and honestly talking about all of your symptoms is solid advice. Seeing a therapist is a good idea, too.
Reply:God damn boy All anti-depressents cause MANIA!

stop taking that sh!t
Reply:This is a high dose... and that *could* be causing the muscle twitches (I am NOT a doc FYI). perhaps consider lowering yoru dose and adding in another medication to augment treatment for your OCD.
Reply:When I was first diagnosed with OCD 12 yrs. ago, my Psych gave me Wellbutrin (up to 300 mgs/day at times). To manage anxiety, I was prescribed Ativan (Lorazepam) at 1 mg., 3 times/day or as needed. Heaven! Thanks to the Ativan, my compulsions nearly stopped cold turkey (I was a handwashing germ-a-phobe w/severe AIDS phobia). I'm surprised to hear your Doc. hasn't given you anything for the anxiety. I really don't think you're the oddball. You might talk w/your Doc. about something like Ativan, Xanax, etc. to support the Zoloft. Good luck!
Reply:You should talk to your doctor, be sure he/she knows that you are taking the Trazodone in addition to the Zoloft. Sometimes you get prescribed different things for different problems and they interact weirdly. It could just mean that this drug isn't working for you, not everything works for everyone. Be patient, talk to your psychiatrist and see what they suggest doing. Don't be disheartened because people say it works for them and it's not working for you. Maybe it is working some- is it possible you'd be even worse if you weren't taking it?
Reply:each medication has it's own affect to your bodies natural chemistry. The selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors, though have the same role, affect the body differently. Prozac may work for one person and ineffective for another. This completely normal that Zoloft is not treating your OCD to the maximum efficiency you would like. Prozac, paxil, Luvox and Celexa as well as Trazadone are in this family of medication. Try-cyclic antidepressant's have a;so been helpful for those struggling with depression and OCD. I suggest speaking to your Doctor about trying some other medication, or medication combinations until you find one system that helps manage all your concerns. As well, i always recommend continued counseling to support through daily coping and management skills. Good luck

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