Friday, July 16, 2010

Any medical or clinical laboratories that develop potential medicine or willing to develope potential medicine

I am looking for a laboratory that does research on developement of medication.

Any medical or clinical laboratories that develop potential medicine or willing to develope potential medicine
I suggest trying your local research university, and I mean university and not a community college or state school that does not have PhD programs. Look up what the faculty are doing in both the school of medicine and biology/biological sciences/genetics/pharmacology or any other bio-related discipline. If you see something you like, and remember to look at a lot of different ones, then just email the professor/faculty member and ask if they would like to take on a volunteer. From your question I would guess you do not have any experience in biomedical research, so just to give you a few tips:

1) make sure you are interested and like your project

2) you need to have someone to help you do your project for however long it takes you to fully understand your project and the field and science in general and the types of methods used for your field of inquiry (this could take up to a year)

3) not everyone will respond to your inquires, don't take it personally as money and personel are limiting, the reagents and equipment you use cost a lot on a daily basis so even if you volunteer and are not paid you still cost money

4) ask questions, no exceptions; if you don't ask how will you ever know

5) lots of times experiments just don't work, the hypothesis was wrong, another grouped got the work published first, or your project just dies. This does not mean you are a bad scientist, it's just luck as to whether you get a project that goes to the end

6) be careful, labs are full of dangerous things, know where and to some degree what they are and how to handle or avoid them

Best of luck to you.
Reply:oh ok ! WTF !
Reply:They all do. This is a non-question unless you specify things.
Reply:Hi have put a website below which might help as it has other links as well:

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