Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Helping my sister-in-law with career planning?

To say the least, my sister-in-law is having issues with her career. She graduated with a B.S. in biochemistry (GPA 3.5) from a good state school, and worked for one year at an antibodies company. However, she is foreign, and did not obtain a work visa from that company. She could not find any other company to sponsor her. So she tried to apply to pharmacy school, but was rejected from everywhere she applied.

It would be pretty difficult for her to return to Taiwan (where she is from) because her written Chinese skills are minimal (she came to the US as a small child). She has been living with her mom, taking classes to keep her student visa - but needless to say she is pretty miserable. She has spent a lot of time working on more applications for graduate programs (pharmacy and clinical research) for this coming year, and she is hoping to get accepted.

However, my husband is not the most helpful to his sister - and unfortunately she doesn't seem to be able to do these...

Helping my sister-in-law with career planning?
Optomitrists make BANK and dont have to do hardly a damn thing. most people need glasses and those who dont want them to look smart ( not kidding)

Dental work sounds pretty appealing too-- you have some good ideas!

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