The use of artificial microwave transmissions for subliminal psychological control, a.k.a. "brainwashing", has also been proven. We're attempting to obtain copies of the 1970's Russian research documents and results written by Drs. Luria and Perov specifying their clinical experiments in this area.
Have you tossed out your microwave oven yet?
mine still sat in the corner gathering dust!
it was bought for me and i never use it
Reply:I've been trying to find a suitable Brainiac Don't Try This At Home experiment to err try at home...
Reply:A prosaic answer to a loaded question. No, and don't intend to. It is a practical tool to heat up, reheat and defrost, whatever subliminal messages are sent out. I wouldn't use them to cook. When scientists come to evaluate diseases of this generation it will be found that more damage was done by mobile phones than mw ovens.
Reply:No, nor have I tossed in it.
Reply:Hmmm, so I should reconsider my plan to buy the Sainsbury's basic range of microwaves? Will subliminal messages suggesting that I buy more food be emitted from it?
Reply:No, and I have no plans to do so.
Your assertion is complete nonsense. Whilst it has been proven that various things including magnetic fields, electronic probes, alcohol, etc can influence brain activity, nobody has come remotely close to "subliminal psychological control". The brain is unbelievably complex, and even now we do not have anything approaching the level of computational technology which would allow us to achieve something as subtle as you're implying. Even if we know exactly how to interface to the brain, we simply don't know what patterns to apply to it to have any particular desired effect.
Reply:why should I?
The use of artificial microwave transmissions for subliminal psychological control, a.k.a. "brainwashing", has also been proven. We're attempting to obtain copies of the 1970's Russian research documents and results written by Drs. Luria and Perov specifying their clinical experiments in this area.
I don't think this has any science support.
theorically microwave oven does no harm if you keep it closed when you use it.
Reply:my microwaves been thrown in the tip place hah,
it was angin soo were getting a new one =]
Laura x
Reply:No, In fact I am considerig buyin one a little larger in the near future.
Reply:actually yes, and replaced it with a sparkling new silver sanyo one
Reply:From your questions, I notice you're on a real microwave oven tear this morning! I must admit I don't have one at the moment, and food tastes better warmed up in the oven, steamed, etc.
But I'm not quite clear on where the Russians came into the picture. Who's 'we'? Whom do you work for? Anyway, supposing there were anything to this, what would the microwave subliminally condition us to do? Use it again? There has to be some sort of controlled environment and some goal or intended result in mental conditioning. As far as conspiracy theories go, I'd be more inclined to believe you were were worried about something like cell phones or microchips in people's bodies, or satellite tracking of people's brainwaves, or other old chestnuts.
I seem to recall historically that there were similar suspicions of other household appliances, especially the tv and the radio in their relatively early days.
Reply:I'm still using mine, and there's nothing wrong with .......RISE AGAINST THE CAPITALIST OPPRESSORS! COMRADE STALIN SALUTES YOU!.... me.
Reply:There are also fairies at the bottom of my garden! You really must try to get out more.
Reply:The key to using a microwave is to not stand to close. I don't believe in the subliminal control though,the powers that be do that with the television.
Reply:It`s true...
There`s one born every day..................
Reply:If you get a copy, can you send me one? Subliminal psychological control is gonna come in really handy in this office. And no, I haven't tossed out my microwave and never will, at least until they find a faster way to cook food.
Reply:nope, my microwave is stay.....BTW what have you got about microwaves, this is about the 5th question you have asked on them?
Reply:I still have mine, only use it to heat my tea though
Reply:We have had ours for 15 years or more.
Got one when they came out. Retro style baby :)
Reply:Yes 'cause it was broken. I bought a new one now.
Reply:I use my Microwave Nealy every day
Reply:I'll toss out (or actually, give away) my microwave when I get a newer one.
Reply:Yes I had to my daughter blew it up.
Reply:Get a life
Reply:Get over your microwave paranoia.
Reply:I upgrage my microwave oven every year
Reply:Hehehe Made me laugh out loud!
Reply:i disagree, and no i have not thrown it away, i love that thing.
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