Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Is microwave cooking safe?

Ten Reasons to Throw out your Microwave Oven

From the conclusions of the Swiss, Russian and German scientific clinical studies, we can no longer ignore the microwave oven sitting in our kitchens. Based on this research, we will conclude this article with the following:

1). Continually eating food processed from a microwave oven causes long term - permanent - brain damage by "shorting out" electrical impulses in the brain [de-polarizing or de-magnetizing the brain tissue].

2). The human body cannot metabolize [break down] the unknown by-products created in microwaved food.

3). Male and female hormone production is shut down and/or altered by continually eating microwaved foods.

4). The effects of microwaved food by-products are residual [long term, permanent] within the human body.

5). Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients of all microwaved food is reduced or altered so that the human body gets little or no benefit, or the human body absorbs altered compounds that cannot be broken down.

6). The minerals in vegetables are altered into cancerous free radicals when cooked in microwave ovens.

7). Microwaved foods cause stomach and intestinal cancerous growths [tumors]. This may explain the rapidly increased rate of colon cancer in America.

8). The prolonged eating of microwaved foods causes cancerous cells to increase in human blood.

9). Continual ingestion of microwaved food causes immune system deficiencies through lymph gland and blood serum alterations.

10). Eating microwaved food causes loss of memory, concentration, emotional instability, and a decrease of intelligence.

Have you tossed out your microwave oven yet?

After you throw out your microwave you can use a toaster oven as a replacement. It works well for most and is nearly as quick.

Is microwave cooking safe?
I have heard that dihydrogen monoxide is dangerous too.

You should warn people about that also.
Reply:lol, eating microwave food causes loss of memory! where did i go wrong then, i hardly ever use mine now and i can't remember much from one day to the next.

if we all do things that are good fro us, we will live a very boring life.

ok so list the things that are good for you...erm...

bad for you...smoking, drinking, fatty foods, mobile phones,chocolate...the list goes on, id sooner enjoy today
Reply:Dont always take things for truth, no micro is not good, but i guess it depends on how u use it, and how frequently..
Reply:I never heard this before...where did you find this information?
Reply:i only use my microwave to sterilize my childrens bottles, i prefer to cook meals on a proper cooker as i have never trusted microwaves to cook things properly, glad now ive read your points
Reply:Microwave ovens are safe, they are in a metal case and the glass is screened with a mesh to prevent the escape of microwave energy - just like mobile phones aren't.

Your information is not factual, have you been spending too much time on a mobile phone?
Reply:And you can prove this how?
Reply:oh come on , PLEASE. any way wait for a few more answers and I am sure you will find that people like myself have brought , into this world ,very normal children who are also healthy and have given birth to normal healthy children and so on.
Reply:What a load of Bolloc*s
Reply:What a load of horsesh!t. Mercola is a quack.

NONE of these things is true.
Reply:Well I won't have one in my house, but I do keep one in the garage and using it for defrosting, though very rarely.

Perhaps I ought to sling it in case it fries my car's electrical innards.
Reply:GREAT QUESTION! I can't stand microwaves %26amp; what they are doing to our world %26amp; to the people who live in the world surrounded by these deadly waves %26amp; the billions who think a world without the microwave is unthinkable. I have noticed that the large grocery stores are now stocking toaster ovens above the frozen food isles. I hope this is a sign of what's to come in our future. Microwaves have ruined many things for many people. We don't really need them! They also cause problems for viewing a television without a cable hook-up. Seeing the waves bleedover onto your television screen should be all the proof anyone needs to actually SEE what goes through our bodies! Most people who think no harm comes from microwaves also believe that diet soda is good for diabetics!
Reply:that is all pseudoscientific nonsense.
Reply:i think u answered your question
Reply:Well I don't know about the scientific evidence - but I know that I'm too lazy to take my leftovers and heat them up on the stove. And I also know that Tupperware makes some really great reheating and even cooking products designed to go into the microwave - that don't release toxins like plastic does. :-) We're all damned anyway... if microwaving my food doesn't kill me then something else I do on a daily basis will.... like breathe the air outside....
Reply:I heard that you´re not supposed to heat food in plastic containers in the microwave due to the carcinogens found in certain plastics that become more harmful at higher temperatures and that you should use glass instead. I never heard of the rest of the allegations.
Reply:You forgot the bit about government sensors in them to monitor peoples eating habits.
Reply:I've wondered for a while if it could hurt you to eat microwaved food after a long time. SCARY!
Reply:I threw my microwave away years ago, never very happy using it because of health issues, I always thought that one day someone would find it was linked to the increased rate of cancer although I didn't realise that someone had already done the study. What happened to using an oven? In my opinion microwave cooking is dire anyway. Glad that my daughter hasn' been "contaminated" and definitely wouldn't have sterilised her bottles in it!!
Reply:i have always said that microwaves are only for heating things up and not fully cooking food, ie how do u expect to cook a chicken in a microwave, it would be uncooked fully thus very highly likely that samonella food poisoning may occur.
Reply:I have been using mine for over 3O years constantly - no problems, so far! Hopefully, this may be a little exaggerated?

canine teeth

I need the way biostatistics is applied in various fields?

the way biostatistics is applied in :

Public health, including epidemiology, health services research, nutrition, and environmental health

Design and analysis of clinical trials in medicine

Genomics, population genetics, and statistical genetics in populations in order to link variation in genotype with a variation in phenotype. genetics


Biological sequence analysis

I need the way biostatistics is applied in various fields?
Biostatistics (biological statistics) or biometry is the application of statistics to a wide range of topics in biology. It has particular applications to medicine and to agriculture.

Biostatistical reasoning and modeling were of critical importance to the foundation theories of modern biology. In the early 1900s, after the rediscovery of Mendel's work, the conceptual gaps in understanding between genetics and evolutionary Darwinism led to vigorous debate between biometricians such as Walter Weldon and Karl Pearson and Mendelians such as Charles Davenport, William Bateson and Wilhelm Johannsen. By the 1930s statisticians and models built on statistical reasoning had helped to resolve these differences and to produce the neo-Darwinian modern evolutionary synthesis.

The leading figures in the establishment of this synthesis all relied on statistics and developed its use in biology.

Sir Ronald A. Fisher developed several basic statistical methods in support of his work The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection

Sewall G. Wright used statistics in the development of modern population genetics J. B. S Haldane's book, The Causes of Evolution, reestablished natural selection as the premier mechanism of evolution by explaining it in terms of the mathematical consequences of Mendelian genetics.

These individuals and the work of other biostatisticians, mathematical biologists, and statistically inclined geneticists helped bring together evolutionary biology and genetics into a consistent, coherent whole that could begin to be quantitatively modeled.

In parallel to this overall development, the pioneering work of D'Arcy Thompson in On Growth and Form also helped to add quantitative discipline to biological study.

Despite the fundamental importance and frequent necessity of statistical reasoning, there may nonetheless have been a tendency among biologists to distrust or deprecate results which are not qualitatively apparent. One anecdote describes Thomas Hunt Morgan banning the Frieden calculator from his department at Caltech, saying "Well, I am like a guy who is prospecting for gold along the banks of the Sacramento River in 1849. With a little intelligence, I can reach down and pick up big nuggets of gold. And as long as I can do that, I'm not going to let any people in my department waste scarce resources in placer mining

Education and training programs

Almost all educational programmes in biostatistics are at postgraduate level. They are most often found in schools of public health, affiliated with schools of medicine, forestry, or agriculture or as a focus of application in departments of statistics.

In the United States, while several universities have dedicated biostatistics departments, many other top-tier universities integrate biostatistics faculty into statistics or other departments, such as epidemiology. Thus departments carrying the name "biostatistics" may exist under quite different structures. For instance, relatively new biostatistics departments have been founded with a focus on bioinformatics and computational biology, whereas older departments, typically affiliated with schools of public health, will have more traditional lines of research involving epidemiological studies and clinical trials as well as bioinformatics. In larger universities where both a statistics and a biostatistics department exist, the degree of integration between the two departments may range from the bare minimum to very close collaboration. In general, the difference between a statistics program and a biostatistics one is twofold: (i) statistics departments will often host theoretical/methodological research which are less common in biostatistics programs and (ii) statistics departments have lines of research that may include biomedical applications but also other areas such as industry (quality control), business and economics and biological areas other than medicine.

Applications of biostatistics

Public health, including epidemiology, health services research, nutrition, and environmental health

Design and analysis of clinical trials in medicine

Genomics, population genetics, and statistical genetics in populations in order to link variation in genotype with a variation in phenotype. This has been used in agriculture to improve crops and farm animals. In biomedical research, this work can assist in finding candidates for gene alleles that can cause or influence predisposition to disease in human genetics


Biological sequence analysis


A fundamental distinction in evidence-based medicine is between observational studies and randomized controlled trials. Types of observational studies in epidemiology such as the cohort study and the case-control study provide less compelling evidence than the randomized controlled trial. In observational studies, the investigators only observe associations (correlations) between the treatments experienced by participants and their health status or diseases.

A randomized controlled trial is the study design that can provide the most compelling evidence that the study treatment causes the expected effect on human health.

Currently, some Phase II and most Phase III drug trials are designed as randomized, double blind, and placebo-controlled.

Randomized: Each study subject is randomly assigned to receive either the study treatment or a placebo.

Blind: The subjects involved in the study do not know which study treatment they receive. If the study is double-blind, the researchers also do not know which treatment is being given to any given subject. This 'blinding' is to prevent biases, since if a physician knew which patient was getting the study treatment and which patient was getting the placebo, he/she might be tempted to give the (presumably helpful) study drug to a patient who could more easily benefit from it. In addition, a physician might give extra care to only the patients who receive the placebos to compensate for their ineffectiveness. A form of double-blind study called a "double-dummy" design allows additional insurance against bias or placebo effect. In this kind of study, all patients are given both placebo and active doses in alternating periods of time during the study.

Placebo-controlled: The use of a placebo (fake treatment) allows the researchers to isolate the effect of the study treatment.

Of note, during the last ten years or so it has become a common practice to conduct "active comparator" studies (also known as "active control" trials). In other words, when a treatment exists that is clearly better than doing nothing for the subject (i.e. giving them the placebo), the alternate treatment would be a standard-of-care therapy. The study would compare the 'test' treatment to standard-of-care therapy.

Although the term "clinical trials" is most commonly associated with the large, randomized studies typical of Phase III, many clinical trials are small. They may be "sponsored" by single physicians or a small group of physicians, and are designed to test simple questions. In the field of rare diseases sometimes the number of patients might be the limiting factor for a clinical trial. Other clinical trials require large numbers of participants (who may be followed over long periods of time), and the trial sponsor is a private company, a government health agency, or an academic research body such as a university.

In a clinical trial, the investigator first identifies the medication or device to be tested. Then the investigator decides what to compare it with (one or more existing treatments or a placebo), and what kind of patients might benefit from the medication/device. If the investigator cannot obtain enough patients with this specific disease or condition at his or her own location, then he or she assembles investigators at other locations who can obtain the same kind of patients to receive the treatment. During the clinical trial, the investigators: recruit patients with the predetermined characteristics, administer the treatment(s), and collect data on the patients' health for a defined time period. (These data include things like vital signs, amount of study drug in the blood, and whether the patient's health gets better or not.) The researchers send the data to the trial sponsor, who then analyzes the pooled data using statistical tests. Some examples of what a clinical trial may be designed to do:

assess the safety and effectiveness of a new medication or device on a specific kind of patient (e.g., patients who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease for less than one year)

assess the safety and effectiveness of a different dose of a medication than is commonly used (e.g., 10 mg dose instead of 5 mg dose)

assess the safety and effectiveness of an already marketed medication or device for a new indication, i.e. a disease for which the drug is not approved yet

assess whether the new medication or device is more effective for the patient's condition than the already used, standard medication or device ("the gold standard" or "standard therapy")

compare the effectiveness in patients with a specific disease of two or more already approved or common interventions for that disease (e.g., Device A vs. Device B, Therapy A vs. Therapy B)

In designing a clinical trial, a sponsor must decide on the target number of patients who will participate. The sponsor's goal usually is to obtain a statistically significant result showing a significant difference in outcome (e.g., number of deaths after 28 days in the study) between the groups of patients who receive the study treatments. The number of patients required to give a statistically significant result depends on the question the trial wants to answer. (For example, to show the effectiveness of a new drug in a n

Is it possible for me to get accepted in a Phd Psychology Program (Preferred Social, Counseling or Clinical)?

I Majored in Psychology 3.91 GPA from Eastern Ct State Univ (respectable school) with a 3.7 GPA overall (Magna Cu.m Laude) and 2minors: Sociology (4GPA) and Spanish (4.0GPA).Member of Psi Chi (national HonorSociety Psych) and Sigma Delta PI(national Honor spanish). Member of the psych and spanish club, with good recommendation letters. GRE grades (680 and 760). Did a lot of Community Service, have some awards. I'm worried since I started as a Bio major having to repeat 2 courses (Intr Bio and org CHem -where I got 2 D's- and after I repeated got a B+ and A-). I also have B- in 2Gral Che courses and a C in Calc (however these are not required courses in Psych) . That was during my first 3 semesters, 'casuse had to work 5 days a week to cover my expenses -came from overseas to studyin US -I'mlatino).Then I decided to get some loans andwork less and my grades improved. I had a 3.95 GPA during my last 5 semesters and made the Dean's list those semesters, did research. Do I have a chance?

Is it possible for me to get accepted in a Phd Psychology Program (Preferred Social, Counseling or Clinical)?
ok i am also applying to grad schools her in texas and i dont have research exp or as high of a GPA as u. You sound pretty good to me ...dont worry! im pretty worried i have a 3.3 gpa my deadlines is in 4 weeks i dont have anything in to the one school i want to go to...haha. im such a slacker !!! your gpa is extremely high....GRE scores are ok. i think youll get in..

Will I be able to get into a Phd Psychology Program (preferred Social or Counseling,maybe Clinical)?

I Majored in Psychology 3.91 GPA from Eastern Ct State Univ (respectable school) with a 3.7 GPA overall (Magna Cu.m Laude) and 2minors: Sociology (4GPA) and Spanish (4.0GPA).Member of Psi Chi (national HonorSociety Psych) and Sigma Delta PI(national Honor spanish). Member of the psych and spanish club, with good recommendation letters. GRE grades (680 and 760). Did a lot of Community Service, have some awards. I'm worried since I started as a Bio major having to repeat 2 courses (Intr Bio and org CHem -where I got 2 D's- and after I repeated got a B+ and A-). I also have B- in 2Gral Che courses and a C in Calc (however these are not required courses in Psych) . That was during my first 3 semesters, 'casuse had to work 5 days a week to cover my expenses -came from overseas to studyin US -I'mlatino).Then I decided to get some loans andwork less and my grades improved. I had a 3.95 GPA during my last 5 semesters and made the Dean's list those semesters, did research. Do I have a chance?

Will I be able to get into a Phd Psychology Program (preferred Social or Counseling,maybe Clinical)?
Oh I'm so jealous! Seems like you are very smart and you've done all you have to in order to get accepted. As long as you are not applying only to schools that accept 10 out of 300, you should be fine. If you don't know the rule, I was told to apply to 4 schools you know you'll get into, 4 schools you should be able to get into, and 2 schools you haven't much of a chance of getting into. I'm sure someone will accept you, as long as you are not a weird-o when it comes to interviews.

I hear that schools turn down applicants if they appear to be arrogant, irritable, confrontational, or dumbfounded. Go to the library and read books on how to make a good first impression. Make sure to talk to the professors that you want to work with, and know their work so that you can discuss it in depth or give a touch of your point of view.

My professors told me that I should apply, although I have less than a 3.0. I'm not all that smart, but supposedly I can write very well, I've done research and I'm submitting an article to a journal this semester. Schools love it when you have publications, so do more research, if you can, and try to get it published. Don't forget to tell them that you want to publish. If I have a chance, then you have the world in your hands! Don't sweat it too much.
Reply:If all you are saying here is factual, you really have nothing to be concern about.

Am surprised you have not found a benefactor, or a mentor to help you. So many in the Hispanic community are willing to offer a helping hand.

Is there a possibility I can get into a Phd Psychology Program (Counseling, Social or Clinical)?

I Majored in Psychology 3.71 GPA from Eastern Ct State Univ (respectable school) with a 3.7 GPA PSy (Magna Cu.m Laude) and 2minors: Health (4GPA) and Spanish (4.0GPA).Member of Psi Chi (national HonorSociety Psych) and Sigma Delta PI(national Honor spanish). Member of the psych and spanish, health club, with good recommendation letters. GRE grades (680 and 760). Did a lot of Community Service, have some awards. I'm worried since I started as a Bio major having to repeat 2 courses (Intr Bio and org CHem -where I got 2 D's- and after I repeated got a B+ and A). I also have B- in 2Gral Che courses and a C in Calc (however these are not required courses in Psych) . That was during my first 3 semesters, 'casuse had to work 5 days a week to cover my expenses -came from overseas to studyin US -I'mlatino).Then I decided to get some loans and work less and my grades improved. I had a 3.95 GPA during my last 5 semesters and made the Dean's list those semesters, did research. Do I have a chance?

Is there a possibility I can get into a Phd Psychology Program (Counseling, Social or Clinical)?
It really depends on where you want to go to school. I am at the California School of Professional Psychology as a 3rd year clinical psych student. It's a 4 year program for PsyD and a 5 year program for PhD. (4th and 5th years are internships for the PhD program). It's a well known school in California. You would most likely be accepted to our school. There are several in California. After the 2nd year you are awarded a masters in clinical psych, but you can't stop the program. There are many masters levels clinical psych programs, but for the money and time invested, its such a better move to get the doctorate. Masters degrees are becoming less and less

competitive. Your seem to have done a lot of great undergrad work. You most likely will not have a problem getting into a decent program. During the last year of your PhD program you go to internship. The mark of a good program is the number of students they place each year. Go to APPIC.org and click on the right side "match statistics." This way you can backtrack and find a program that may be near you that has a good match rate. You can do all of the studying and paying tuition but when it comes down to internship, you need to be at a competitive school, otherwise you may not get an internship and not graduate on time.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
Reply:If your Latino then why did you take spanish classes? The Psych program won't count that has real work because you speak spanish. it has to be a new language. You would have been better off doing English or French.

human teeth

How does this paragraph sound for a persuasive research paper supporting human cloning?

Twelve million Americans are infertile and will pursue years of painful and expensive treatments to have the chance to pass their genes to their own offspring. Human cloning can offer infertile couples a chance at reproduction. Cloning technology may even prevent clinical depression, divorce, and suicide among infertile people. An example of a use for cloning, is if one partner suffered from a disease that was passed on to children by reproduction, an alternative could be to clone the other partner and have the child be a replica of one of his parents. This will allow the parents to have a child that is genetically identical to at least one of them. Cloning technology would not require a viable sperm or egg cell, but any body cell would do. This technology would be able to bypass defective gametes and possibly allow infertile couples to have their own biological children. Cloning technology may be able cure Tay-Sachs disease, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, and Huntingtons disease.

How does this paragraph sound for a persuasive research paper supporting human cloning?
The first sentence is a bit lengthy and awkwardly worded.

The fourth sentence does not need the first comma.

Just two hints.
Reply:not bad at all!
Reply:You have some continuity issues. In a formal paper you should never use "an example," it sounds tacky. A good alternative might me "One way that fertility cloning could be used to help couples involves..." Also, the claim you make that cloning could prevent depression, marital strife and suicide isn't viable. You have no scientific evidence to back this up, so you can't put it in a research paper, even if it is true. I mean, it sounds pretty miraculous given that most infertile couples just adopt. Are 12 million American couples undergoing fertility treatment, or are they just infertile? That is an iffy stat as well. Also, are you focusing on cloning for fertility purposes, or cloning for disease cures? These two subjects are huge in and of themselves, and most scientific papers would only focus on one or the other. My guess is that most of your paper is about curing disease, where there is much more scientific evidence and debatable arguments for and against it. Why would you open with fertility then? Personally, I think curing diseases is much more powerful than preventing divorce.

Finally, read your paper out loud. I think if you did, you would catch a lot of your awkward wording moments yourself.
Reply:i like it

Do I have a shot in a Phd Psychology Program (Counseling, Social or Clinical)?

I Majored in Eastern Ct State Univ (respectable school) with an overall GPA 3.71 and my major PSy 3.91 GPA PSychology (Magna Cu.m Laude) and 2minors: Health (4GPA) and Spanish (4.0GPA).MemberPsi Chi (national HonorSociety Psych) and Sigma Delta PI(national Honor spanish).Member of the psych and spanish, health club, with good recommendation letters. GRE grades (680 and 760). Did a lot Community Service, have someawards.I'm worried since I started as a Bio major having to repeat 2 courses (Intr Bio and org CHem -where I got 2 D's- and after I repeated got a B+ and A). I also have B- in 2Gral Che courses and a C in Calc (however these are not required courses in Psych).That was during my first 3 semesters,'casuse had to work 5 days a week to cover my expenses -came from overseas to studyin US -I'mlatino).Then I decidedto get some loans and work less and my grades improved. I had a 3.95 GPA during my last 5 semesters and made theDean's list those semesters,did research. Do I have a shot?

Do I have a shot in a Phd Psychology Program (Counseling, Social or Clinical)?
I'm not sure why you keep posting this same question a few times every week, since you've gotten reasonable answers (both from me and from others). If you are looking for more than just a yes/no answer, then you should revise your question. Also, if you want to know your chances, talk to your psych faculty and they will be honest with you. Other than that, I'll repost my answer to you from a few weeks ago:

Yes you have a chance to get in somewhere, and possibly a well-regarded program at that. However, you really need to narrow down what your interests are and figure out what kind of research you want to be doing for 4-8 years after you graduate. You'll need to know not just what area of psych you want to go for (cognitive, counseling, social, etc.), but also what general area of research you want you pursue in that area (i.e. language development in cognitive, stereotyping in social). Schools are looking for people who know what they want to do at a moderately specific level, and whose interests match those of the faculty who are taking on new students that year. You could be the smartest and most qualified student to apply, but if you don't have a clue what direction you want to take with research, you'll likely end up in the rejection pile.
Reply:Well, if you really earned all those credits, you have the bragging material. U n l e s s you actually a p p l y to the University and let t h e m decide, you really won't know will you. So hurry up and get your application in!!!

Wish you the best, you'll spend half your life trying to pay off the loan though.

How does this paragraph sound for a persuasive research paper supporting human cloning?

Twelve million Americans are infertile and will pursue years of painful and expensive treatments to have the chance to pass their genes to their own offspring. Human cloning can offer infertile couples a chance at reproduction. Cloning technology may even prevent clinical depression, divorce, and suicide among infertile people. An example of a use for cloning, is if one partner suffered from a disease that was passed on to children by reproduction, an alternative could be to clone the other partner and have the child be a replica of one of his parents. This will allow the parents to have a child that is genetically identical to at least one of them. Cloning technology would not require a viable sperm or egg cell, but any body cell would do. This technology would be able to bypass defective gametes and possibly allow infertile couples to have their own biological children. Cloning technology may be able cure Tay-Sachs disease, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, and Huntingtons disease.

How does this paragraph sound for a persuasive research paper supporting human cloning?
Sounds good, but I don't understand how it will cure the diseases. If you're saying the clone will be disease-less, that's still not the same thing. It's not actually curing the human, though. Very ice wording and nicely said, though. Good Job! Ummm just so people know, you might possible find a way to slip the meaning of infertile in there. Hope I helped!
Reply:good so far but Thesis?
Reply:Sounds good . Maybe we should pray on it.
Reply:Good content and very informative. You do, however, seem to have some capitalization and comma splice issues.
Reply:very good. You may need to go into a deeper explanation of how the diseases you mentioned could be cured. Bypassing them and curing them are not the same thing.

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Contract research organizations in india?
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my cat

Chance in a Phd Psychology (Social, Counseling or Clinical)?

I Majored in Psychology 3.91 GPA from Eastern Ct State Univ (respectable school) with a 3.7 GPA overall (Magna Cu.m Laude) and 2minors: Sociology (4GPA) and Spanish (4.0GPA).Member of Psi Chi (national HonorSociety Psych) and Sigma Delta PI(national Honor spanish). Member of the psych and spanish club, with good recommendation letters. GRE grades (680 and 760). Did a lot of Community Service, have some awards. I'm worried since I started as a Bio major having to repeat 2 courses (Intr Bio and org CHem -where I got 2 D's- and after I repeated got a B+ and A-). I also have B- in 2Gral Che courses and a C in Calc (however these are not required courses in Psych) . That was during my first 3 semesters, 'casuse had to work 5 days a week to cover my expenses -came from overseas to studyin US -I'mlatino).Then I decided to get some loans andwork less and my grades improved. I had a 3.95 GPA during my last 5 semesters and made the Dean's list those semesters, did research. Do I have a chance?

Chance in a Phd Psychology (Social, Counseling or Clinical)?
Call the schools you're thinking about getting into and see what their requirements are. Every school will have different grade and SAT score requirements. Since your overall GPA is good I would think you have a good chance even though you did flunk Intro Bio and Org chem in the beginning, plus those classes aren't required for Psychology, so I think you're good. But just check the schools and see. Good luck!

Are there any former or current clinical laboratory scientists here?

I'm a current student debating on whether or not it is worth it to get my degree in CLS.

What are your thoughts about CLS?

I enjoy working in a team type setting or alone but would rather not deal with the public on a daily basis. I enjoy biology and working with microscopes and technology. Would being a CLS fit that?

In my research I have found several post from former/current CLS that say it is not worth it, that they do not get the pay and respect they deserve, and that they would not do it again.

As far as pay goes I have found that CLS on the west coast (especially California) make the most money. Seeing that I'm already on the west coast (Nevada) I would not have to move far. In fact I've already found a few jobs here for CLS starting around 55,000/yr.

To me CLS looks very appealing and from what I hear the job outlook is promising...just don't understand why some schools are getting rid of their CLS program.

So you to you former/current CLS...is it worth it?

Are there any former or current clinical laboratory scientists here?
I was a former CLS and I thought the job was worth it: paid well, interesting, various shifts available. You can work in the hospital, a research clinical lab, a research lab, a reference lab, the Red Cross (in blood banking); forensic labs (coroner's office), crime labs, etc. I worked in viral research, blood bank, immunoserology and clinical chemistry but still liked microbiology as well. Nevada pays well, BTW. As to respect, respect from whom? The hospital I was at, the doc's came to the lab all the time for help (the nurses yelled at us but easily ignored). After 15 years, I went to PA school %26amp; the lab background was invaluable. Sounds like a good fit for you but you could do some "shadowing" to make sure.
Reply:idk i was thinking of doing the clt program (along with many others im a lil undecided) but thats the technician not technologist program. from what ive read the outlook is good for jobs for both cls and clt..i just wanna be out of school clt is 2yr and i believe cls is 4yr...maybe they are burnt out didnt like the job to begin with sounds like you have an interest in it as do I.

What is SAS?

I have done my Bsc, planning to change my field and going in for SAS. "SAS which is use in clinical trials and research work."!

I have nil knowlege about it.Can someone guide me esp those ppl who are in SAS clinical trials work, how do i go about it ? what are the prerequisitis to learn SAS ? Where can i get my self trained ?

esp online . It would be great help.

What is SAS?
SAS Institute Inc., headquartered in Cary, North Carolina, USA, has been a major producer of software since it was founded in 1976 by Anthony Barr, James Goodnight, John Sall and Jane Helwig. SAS was originally an acronym for Statistical Analysis System but for many years has been used as an arbitrary tradename (for which the company has received trademark protection in the US and abroad) to refer to the company as a whole, its products having long since broadened beyond the statistical analysis sphere.

Its main and original product was the SAS software package used in statistical analysis, consisting of numerous modules which ran on IBM mainframe computers. In addition to the usual mainframe practice of writing and submitting programs in batch, SAS offered the option, somewhat novel at the time, of a windowed programming environment, where the program being written or edited appeared in one window, the program output appeared in another window, and the program log appeared in a third window.


Also A specialist regiment of the British army that is trained in commando techniques of warfare and used in clandestine operations (especially against terrorist groups) - Special Air Service
Reply:thank u ngina, the link was a great help. Report Abuse

Reply:Use the SAS website tutorials, the UCLA SAS explanations and a book called "The Little SAS Book".

Help w/ this research title..pls suggest? tnx?

patient's means to prevent clinical errors at (hosp name)

Help w/ this research title..pls suggest? tnx?
Methods Employed By Patients at (Hosp Name) to Prevent Clinical Errors of Health Care Practitioners

dependent variable: prevention of clinical errors of health care practitioners

independent variable: methods employed by patients at hosp name

dog teeth

Science teacher with a Clinical Laboratory Science Major?

I want to study CLS i simply love it. I really like the idea of teaching as well. So I'd like to have both research lab and science classroom as options. I know a Biology major is the most commun BS that end up as teachers but wouldnt someone who studied CLS be a better microbiology teacher?

Someone suggested i did a major in CLS and then a minor in Biology because after my love for working in the lab is my love for working with animals and helping preserve the environment.

So any insight you have on this will be helpful. Anything to help me reach a decision im comfortable with.

Science teacher with a Clinical Laboratory Science Major?
I majored in biology. In the process there were many, many bio clases available to take, and many of these included labs. So if you're interested in microbiology, there are numerous classes with labs that would give you a taste of both. And remember this: you'll be exposed to different laboratory techniques in micro than in a standard bio class or a chemistry class (as well as different equipment like an autoclave).

I think you would do well to major in biology as an undergraduate to get a better feel for what you like. When I started out, I thought micro would be the coolest. But I took an animal behavior class my senior year and was blown away because it looked at things on the micro and macro levels using all that I'd learned in previous classes to explain animal behvior. It left me wishing I had concentrated on this field of study. I didn't go on to graduate school, but I would highly recommend it. Most poeple really just don't know enough about the field before they start.

I would also suggest you take as much chemistry as you can handle, especially organic and biochemistry--an understanding of these makes the biology make more sense. Work closely with your advisor, don't just see him/her when you have to. Explain your goals and advise him/her as these goals/interests change.

In closing, I would also suggest you plan to volunteer as a lab assistant to the professor who has the most similar interests to your own. I spent a lot of time extracting bacterial DNA and sequencing it for my professor. You can learn a lot outside of the classroom.

Good luck with your studies!

What are my chances of getting into PhD program for clinical Psych?

I'm a Psych major with a Women's Studies minor. I have a 3.4 GPA but a 3.9 within my major. I don't have very many extra curricular activities because I work almost full time. I'm doing research this summer and I'm also taking the GRE at the end of the summer. Will I have to score ridiculously high on the GRE to get in? If I get an average score, what are my chances? I'm graduating next May, but my application has to be in by Dec.

What are my chances of getting into PhD program for clinical Psych?
You should have a pretty good chance still. If you can, bring that overall gpa up to a 3.5 as it will make you more competitive. Than try to get at least 600 on each section of the test. I will include a link on what my college recommends below.
Reply:Do you have an related experience? That would probably set you apart from the rest of the pack applying at the same time as you.

Can clinical tests effectively distinguish between colitis and Crohn's Disease?


I had a colonoscopy done a week ago due to some severe abdominal pain and was subsequently put on Asacol. I got the biopsy results back today, and I either have infectious colitis or Crohn's Disease. Based on my research, it is difficult to conclusively distinguish between colitis and Crohn's. If I have infectious colitis, will I be on medication indefinitely? Or, is there anyone out there who knows what some distinguishing factors between the two might be? I am aware of the CCFA, but I would like some advice from people who are actually experiencing colitis/Crohn's.

Can clinical tests effectively distinguish between colitis and Crohn's Disease?
Crohn's disease can effect anywhere from your throat to your rectum. Colitis only effects your colon. Your doctor should be able to tell which it is by a test or two.(Not quite sure which ones though it's been awhile) You can always call and ask them though.
Reply:Having the colonoscopy with biopsies is standard so they can actually visualize the colon, biopsy the tissue, and start therapy as soon as possible.

There is a blood test that is about 90% accurate in distinquishing between crohns disease and ulcerative colitis. It also identifies if it is Not likely to be Inflammatory Bowel Disease. It is called IBD serology 7. We use it in our practice, along with colonoscopy, and it is a great tool. It is done by Prometheus Lab. They use several markers and are really up on their research in therapeutics and diagnostics. Cost is around $400.00 for the test. I do not have stock in them or work for them. I am a GI Nurse. There are probably other labs that do this type of testing. I would ask the doctor or GI nurse about it.

It is good to just be able to draw a tube of blood and get more information for our patients. Check out their website below.
Reply:Yes, but there is a strange foot massage involved in the procedure.
Reply:My son was diagnosis with Crohn's disease over 2 years ago. the doctor wanted to put him on Humira (after experimenting with several other drugs) which is anexpensive drug with life threating serious side affects. We did some research and wanted to take a new approach to combat His problem. This is what we found out. The liver is producing too much bile that is toxic to the digestive tract. The types of foods you need to eat are those that DO NOT create excessive acid or bile that help in digestion (simply put). The bile is normal unless it is in large quanity or toxic, the acid attacks the food as well as intestinal linings of your stomach

Your body is high in toxins that you need to remove and stop feeding into the problem by the foods you consume and an overactive liver.

1.) "Foods to eat" : water purified, fish, eggs, potatoes,rice, white bread,meat ground up fine or chewed well, skinless chicken cut fine, tortillas, broth, noodles plain with a little butter, plain yogurt with no extra ingredients, rice milk(rice dreams-Walmart) cherrios rice crispies or chex, and 'most important' 5x/day at each meal and as a snack, legume's black beans, kidney, pinto, buttered,refried, with no lard or spices except salt to start. Goats milk(found in a can) Sunshine and D'3, Iron supplements(in moderation)

if you are anemic.

2.) "Foods to avoid!": dairy!,milk (hard to digest a cow use 4 stomachs!) chips!,processed foods of any kind, soda ,msg,sugar,corn, corn syrup,corn sweeteners,wheat products,sweeteners of any kind, coffee, teas, cottage cheese,sauces, read the back labels (you are going to be surprised) for added ingredients any thing thats added, adds to your body's toxic level. NO artificial sweeteners. foods that produce too much acid to break down the foods you eat. No alcohol of any kind NO Tabacco.

3.) 'Foods to eat': in moderation after you stop bleeding and start gaining weight or are having no discomfort : fruits,salads,steak,venison, peanut butter or almond butter,oatmeal, A multi-vitamin with minerals with 100% RDA (not large dose's of any multi. and 2x daily ,use shaklee as the bench mark for comparison ) of all of the B's, hard cheese, soy milk,well cooked vegetables" Psyillium powder".

The beans are a water soluble fiber that absorb bile and remove the toxins in your body,then the liver will produce more bile but less toxic(simplified for lack of space).

This is not an all inclusive list and your Doctor will disagree with the elimination of drugs, all removal of drugs should be done slowly if you decide to stop taking them, but they will add to your body's toxic level as you continue take them. which will make your Crohn's worse and make you susceptible to other more serious disease's. I am not a specialist in any field or giving medical advice. I also hired KarenHurd.com at a fraction of the cost to teach my son to diet properly but you can go to her web site and get free information, but I recommend you pay her for a short time to get you healthy and on a routine faster. Stress will make it worst so exercise and relax. Most importantly Faith, Hope, and Prayer, you will get better. God is faithful what ever the results. E-mail me if you have any questions and I can help. I don't know if you have crohn's but changing your diet could help you and most of us in America because of the poor nutrition we unknowingly subject ourselves too.

My son Has been gaining weight ,takes no medication and His general health and demeanor has changed in 2months!

What does this mean? Contextualise? Please help?

'Contextualize the clinical facility within the research and other scholarly literature'

Can someone please explain this to me? Im not quite getting what i am suppose to do.

If this helps: I went to a clinic for my clinical placement on womans health (colposcopy clinic)

What does this mean? Contextualise? Please help?
Well, to contextualise, it to put it in the proper context. I think you are being asked how the clinical facility fits in with the research and other scholarly literature. Are you writing a paper? If so, you need to integrate your experience at the clinic into your research.

dr teeth

Can clinical tests effectively distinguish between colitis and Crohn's Disease?


I had a colonoscopy done a week ago due to some severe abdominal pain and was subsequently put on Asacol. I got the biopsy results back today, and I either have infectious colitis or Crohn's Disease. Based on my research, it is difficult to conclusively distinguish between colitis and Crohn's. If I have infectious colitis, will I be on medication indefinitely? Or, is there anyone out there who knows what some distinguishing factors between the two might be? I am aware of the CCFA, but I would like some advice from people who are actually experiencing colitis/Crohn's.

Can clinical tests effectively distinguish between colitis and Crohn's Disease?
Crohn's disease can effect anywhere from your throat to your rectum. Colitis only effects your colon. Your doctor should be able to tell which it is by a test or two.(Not quite sure which ones though it's been awhile) You can always call and ask them though.
Reply:Having the colonoscopy with biopsies is standard so they can actually visualize the colon, biopsy the tissue, and start therapy as soon as possible.

There is a blood test that is about 90% accurate in distinquishing between crohns disease and ulcerative colitis. It also identifies if it is Not likely to be Inflammatory Bowel Disease. It is called IBD serology 7. We use it in our practice, along with colonoscopy, and it is a great tool. It is done by Prometheus Lab. They use several markers and are really up on their research in therapeutics and diagnostics. Cost is around $400.00 for the test. I do not have stock in them or work for them. I am a GI Nurse. There are probably other labs that do this type of testing. I would ask the doctor or GI nurse about it.

It is good to just be able to draw a tube of blood and get more information for our patients. Check out their website below.
Reply:Yes, but there is a strange foot massage involved in the procedure.
Reply:My son was diagnosis with Crohn's disease over 2 years ago. the doctor wanted to put him on Humira (after experimenting with several other drugs) which is anexpensive drug with life threating serious side affects. We did some research and wanted to take a new approach to combat His problem. This is what we found out. The liver is producing too much bile that is toxic to the digestive tract. The types of foods you need to eat are those that DO NOT create excessive acid or bile that help in digestion (simply put). The bile is normal unless it is in large quanity or toxic, the acid attacks the food as well as intestinal linings of your stomach

Your body is high in toxins that you need to remove and stop feeding into the problem by the foods you consume and an overactive liver.

1.) "Foods to eat" : water purified, fish, eggs, potatoes,rice, white bread,meat ground up fine or chewed well, skinless chicken cut fine, tortillas, broth, noodles plain with a little butter, plain yogurt with no extra ingredients, rice milk(rice dreams-Walmart) cherrios rice crispies or chex, and 'most important' 5x/day at each meal and as a snack, legume's black beans, kidney, pinto, buttered,refried, with no lard or spices except salt to start. Goats milk(found in a can) Sunshine and D'3, Iron supplements(in moderation)

if you are anemic.

2.) "Foods to avoid!": dairy!,milk (hard to digest a cow use 4 stomachs!) chips!,processed foods of any kind, soda ,msg,sugar,corn, corn syrup,corn sweeteners,wheat products,sweeteners of any kind, coffee, teas, cottage cheese,sauces, read the back labels (you are going to be surprised) for added ingredients any thing thats added, adds to your body's toxic level. NO artificial sweeteners. foods that produce too much acid to break down the foods you eat. No alcohol of any kind NO Tabacco.

3.) 'Foods to eat': in moderation after you stop bleeding and start gaining weight or are having no discomfort : fruits,salads,steak,venison, peanut butter or almond butter,oatmeal, A multi-vitamin with minerals with 100% RDA (not large dose's of any multi. and 2x daily ,use shaklee as the bench mark for comparison ) of all of the B's, hard cheese, soy milk,well cooked vegetables" Psyillium powder".

The beans are a water soluble fiber that absorb bile and remove the toxins in your body,then the liver will produce more bile but less toxic(simplified for lack of space).

This is not an all inclusive list and your Doctor will disagree with the elimination of drugs, all removal of drugs should be done slowly if you decide to stop taking them, but they will add to your body's toxic level as you continue take them. which will make your Crohn's worse and make you susceptible to other more serious disease's. I am not a specialist in any field or giving medical advice. I also hired KarenHurd.com at a fraction of the cost to teach my son to diet properly but you can go to her web site and get free information, but I recommend you pay her for a short time to get you healthy and on a routine faster. Stress will make it worst so exercise and relax. Most importantly Faith, Hope, and Prayer, you will get better. God is faithful what ever the results. E-mail me if you have any questions and I can help. I don't know if you have crohn's but changing your diet could help you and most of us in America because of the poor nutrition we unknowingly subject ourselves too.

My son Has been gaining weight ,takes no medication and His general health and demeanor has changed in 2months!

Clinical Lab Scientists/Students?

I'm thinking about majoring in this. I have a few questions, please answer:

* Did you have to give a presentation in front of a bunch of people before you graduated as a requirement? B/c I'm planning on going to St. Louis University and on their website it says something about having to give a presentation my 4th year or something.

"Opportunities to conduct research and present your projects at professional conferences."


*Also, did you have to take classes during the summer. B/c if you look at this website, the typical CLS schedule...there are summer courses for physics. I don't want to be going to school during summer.


Clinical Lab Scientists/Students?
In most schools in this field of study you have to give presentations. This is to show that you really know what you have learned instead of just test taking and writing papers.

Many classes are only offered during the summer due to budget issues and the number of professors available to teach classes. The same applies to evening classes. I had one class that started at 8 pm and went until 10 pm twice a week, it was only a semester so it wasn't too bad.

What is grad school like? What are the requirements?

How is grad school different from being an undergrad? I know you do a thesis, but what all is involved in that? I'm really lost on all of this. I'm a first generation college student and I'm working on my undergrad degree right now in clinical laboratory science, and I know eventually I will want my master's probably in biochemistry. (I want to do laboratory research) so what all is required to get a master's degree?

What is grad school like? What are the requirements?
First of all, that's great that you want to go on to grad school! I'm working on my masters in music, so I can't help you with specifics on a degree in biochemistry, but I can tell you that grad school is different from undergraduate work because of the emphasis on scholarship and research. The professors expect a lot more out of you, but also treat you with more respect. For an average undergrad paper, your professors might want 10 sources, but graduate professors will want closer to 20. It's a wonderful environment to work in because everyone is excited about being there and serious about what they're doing. Good luck!
Reply:woo, what a question. All i can say is that things alter from university to university.

I am currently at OSU, basically what is required for a masters is a couple classes (grad level) some basic rotations in labs (meaning you try several labs throughout the first year until you find one you are comfortable with) and a thesis of some sort. Probably take you 2 to 3 years with the possibility of 4. I say go straight for the PhD and get out in 6.

The thesis is a written compilation of the work you have completed in the lab. The length and degree of specificity varies from department to department.

AS far as what is different. You may be asked to teach some classes, or at least grade papers. Also, you are required to work the minimum of 8 hours a day (class or no class). So not nearly as much free time as an undergrad has. Also, depending on your lab they may require working weekends.

The best thing you can do is find some schools with the degree you are looking for and talk to someone in admissions (better yet, a professor at the university) or find a student at the school.

Good Luck to you!



Can pharmacists make as much as medical doctors?

i'm in researching more about this career and I'm wondering if it is possible for a clinical/staff pharmacist to make over 150K. most web sites that i've been to appear to place the max. salary for pharmacist at 100K

Can pharmacists make as much as medical doctors?
unlikely as a staff rph, they usually top out in the low 100s like you said. you could make +150k if you owned your own pharmacy and you were very successful

and actually i think in general retail pharmacists usually make ~10k or so more per year than their hospital counterparts
Reply:It all depends on several factors...Like where you will work, where you live and how long you have been a pharmacist...A pharmacist that works in a hospital will make more than a pharmacist at Wal-Mart. A pharmacist living in New York will be likely to make more than a pharmacist in North Dakota. Also, experience plays a big role in this as well...hope this helps :)
Reply:they are doctors.

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Who is the micropippets exporter ?

Exporter of laboratory micropipettes, clinical micropipettes, research micropippets.

Who is the micropippets exporter ?
One Indian Company,Fine Care is exporter of all type of micropippets to more than 85 countries worldwide.

Fine Care is ISO 9001-2000 certified by TUV-Germany. and also all the products are CE certified.

Fine Care is O.E.M. for more than 18 majors Pipette brands.



Biotrax medical research?

Is anyone signed up to a company called Biotrax.


Im thinking of signing up. How do you find them? Do they actually offer much.

Biotrax medical research?
I can't think of a worse thought than signing up for medical research. Looks like an incredibly dodgy website - and I wish I hadn't clicked on it, as I suspect I'll get a virus or lots of spam on my computer now.

teeth grinding guard

What does this mean? Contextualise? Please help?

'Contextualize the clinical facility within the research and other scholarly literature'

Can someone please explain this to me? Im not quite getting what i am suppose to do.

If this helps: I went to a clinic for my clinical placement on womans health (colposcopy clinic)

What does this mean? Contextualise? Please help?
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Clinical Immortality?

with the advances made in science in the past decade, how could we not be 10 to 20 years away from being able to replace organs and skin to prolong life to 150-200 years? sounds crazy, but look at all the research being done by universities and some of the amazing things they coming up with.

Clinical Immortality?
It's been suggested that those under age 30 are very likely to live long enough to recieve benefits from the first set of publicly available longevity treatments. These treatments should be good enough to allow them to survive until the next set. In short, people who are under 30 right now might possibly live to be 1000.
Reply:Yea, but I'm not sure how unethical it is to not die. Mostly, it's something that people are afraid to throw money at. Report Abuse

Reply:Advances in science are being made, but science is a slow process, particularly medical science. and as the other person said, embryonic stem cell research is illegal. Finding a cure to death is difficult, as there are so many diseases that cause death. Not to mention, we have no idea what the human maximum life span is. I think the best estimates are 120 years. Meaning, even in perfect health, eventually you will probably die before you are 120. The main problem is that at that age, it's not just one organ that fails, it is all of them. Your body basically shuts down.
Reply:Some of it, is that certain kinds of research are not legal

My chance of getting into Tufts med school early decision? (special program for BC students)?

I am a BC sophomore:

3.84 GPA overall

3.82 science GPA

20 hours of shadowing a transplant surgeon and radiologist

Started a volunteer position at a cerebral hemodynamics lab at beth israel hospital doing clinical and research work

Assistant High School wrestling coach

In Entrepreneur Society and Mendel Club

Participate in relay for life every year

My chance of getting into Tufts med school early decision? (special program for BC students)?
u should go

Any one has research information about disease..?



life Cycle

developmental morphology

economical importance

clinical features



Please I'd appreciate if you would just send this to me by email or just give me a link. Please..!

Hush...Question's killing me right here !


Any one has research information about disease..?
A disease or medical condition is an abnormality of the body or mind that causes discomfort, dysfunction, or distress to the person afflicted or those in contact with the person. A condition that may result in the concerned person who suffers from it not behaving in a way that is natural for his species or his nature. Sometimes the term is used broadly to include injuries, disabilities, disorders, syndromes, infections, symptoms, deviant behaviors, and atypical variations of structure and function, while in other contexts these may be considered distinguishable categories.

Pathology is the study of diseases. The subject of systematic classification of diseases is referred to as nosology. The broader body of knowledge about human diseases and their treatments is medicine. Many similar (and a few of the same) conditions or processes can affect animals (wild or domestic). The study of diseases affecting animals is veterinary medicine. Plants as well can suffer from a variety of processes such as infection, nutrient deficiency, or deleterious mutation. The study of diseases affecting plants is termed plant pathology.

Syndromes, illness and disease

Medical usage sometimes distinguishes a disease, which has a known specific cause or causes (called its etiology), from a syndrome, which is a collection of signs or symptoms that occur together. However, many conditions have been identified, yet continue to be referred to as "syndromes". Furthermore, numerous conditions of unknown etiology are referred to as "diseases" in many contexts.

Illness, although often used to mean disease, can also refer to a person's perception of their health, regardless of whether they in fact have a disease. A person without any disease may feel unhealthy and believe he has an illness. Another person may feel healthy and believe he does not have an illness even though he may have a disease such as dangerously high blood pressure which may lead to a fatal heart attack or stroke.

Disease can be thought of as the presence of pathology, which can occur with or without subjective feelings of being unwell or social recognition of that state; Illness as the subjective state of "unwellness", which can occur independently of, or in conjunction with disease or sickness; and sickness as the social classification of someone deemed diseased, which can also occur independently of the presence or absence of disease or illness (c.f. subjective medical conditions). So someone with undetected high blood pressure who feels well would be diseased, but not ill or sick. Someone with a diagnosis of late-stage cancer would be diseased, probably feeling quite ill, and recognized by others as sick. A person incarcerated in a totalitarian psychiatric hospital for political purposes could arguably be then said to not be diseased, nor ill, but only classified as sick by the rulers of a society with which the person did not agree. Having had a bad day after a night of excess, one might feel ill, but you would not be diseased, nor is it likely you could convince your boss to recognize you as sick.

Sickness confers the social legitimization of certain benefits, such as illness benefit, work avoidance and being looked after by others. In return, there is an obligation on the sick person to seek treatment and work to become well once more.

Transmission of disease

Some diseases, such as influenza, are contagious or infectious, and can be transmitted by any of a variety of mechanisms, including aerosols produced by coughs and sneezes, by bites of insects or other carriers of the disease, from contaminated water or food, etc.

Other diseases, such as cancer and heart disease are not considered to be due to infection, although micro-organisms may play a role, and cannot be spread from person to person.

Social significance of disease

The identification of a condition as a disease, rather than as simply a variation of human structure or function, can have significant social or economic implications. The controversial recognitions as diseases of post-traumatic stress disorder, also known as "Soldier's heart," "shell shock," and "combat fatigue"; repetitive motion injury or repetitive stress injury (RSI); and Gulf War syndrome has had a number of positive and negative effects on the financial and other responsibilities of governments, corporations and institutions towards individuals, as well as on the individuals themselves. The social implication of viewing aging as a disease could be profound, though this classification is not yet widespread.

A condition may be considered to be a disease in some cultures or eras but not in others. Oppositional-defiant disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and, increasingly, obesity are conditions considered to be diseases in the United States and Canada today, but were not so-considered decades ago and are not so-considered in some other countries. Lepers were a group of afflicted individuals who were historically shunned and the term "leper" still evokes social stigma. Fear of disease can still be a widespread social phenomena, though not all diseases evoke extreme social stigma.

A disease can also be caused by repeated high anger or stress.

You could get more information from the link below...
Reply:This might help you:



Where could i find journals on health teaching for acute stroke patients?

Research articles, Published journals on health teaching, in application with Clinical pathway.

Where could i find journals on health teaching for acute stroke patients?

Ph. D in Clinical Psychology?

Those of you who have already completed your programs, can you please let me know about how long it took to complete you Masters as well as your Doctorate program? I was told that it takes about 14 months to complete a Masters and about 2 years for your Doctorate, and a 1 year research. I am strongly interested in persuing this profession, but do not know the academic timeline. I would be specializing in children (I am currently attaining a degree in Elementary Education.) Any advice would be of great help. Thank you.

Ph. D in Clinical Psychology?
In the U.S. it takes a *minimum* of five years to get a doctorate in clinical psychology, but most people take longer. A masters degree is usually earned along the way.
Reply:Sorry for caps buy #1 MAKE SURE THE P.H.D IS FROM AN ACCREDITTED COLLEGE OR IT MEANS NOTHING!!!!!! #2 My teachers dissertation was 98 pages long just to let you know ahead of time. :-)

Does anyone have any idea about RPL/SQL programming?

I am working in a Clinical Research Organization as a programmer. The tool we are using is RPL/SQL .Its Recorder PL/SQL..Can anyone help me in getting any books or reference materials for the same?

Does anyone have any idea about RPL/SQL programming?
This is quite a toughy. I did some investigation on this and I didn't come to any sort of conclusion. Now, I found lots of references to PL/SQL which I think may be the underlying SQL "language" that Recorder PL/SQL is based on. I always tend to start on wikipedia since this is a peer reviewed site:-


I also discovered a couple of items which mention a PL/SQL recorder which is maybe what you have at your institution. It may help further answerers to your question if you could expand a little on your question and say who the implementer of your Recorder PL/SQL is i.e. which company wrote/designed RPL/SQL.

Sorry I could be of no further help.
Reply:I dont know that who r u n where r u from. But I am from India, also I dont know that what is RPL/SQL but when I was learning computer I learnt the SQL Server, I have the book for it %26amp; it is useless for me. If the both r same then u can contect me.

Should I change careers if it will lead to financial difficulty?

I am currently working in Clinical Research, however, I'm not really that interested in this job. I have a large mortgage and debts to pay. My current salary is enough to get by but if I change careers I have to start over again. I don't think I could afford a pay cut and may struggle financially.

People I know say I should "just change my job", but it is not that easy, especially if I will struggle financially. Should I listen to people telling me to change jobs, or should I stay financially stable?

Should I change careers if it will lead to financial difficulty?
The answer is complex which is why you are soliciting other opinions.

If you leave this job you do not like and take one you do, but cannot meet your financial obligations, you are trading one set of problems for another. Yes, you may in fact love going to work, but you will hate opening the mail or looking at your dwindling account balances. You will most likely still not find happiness.

There are ways to change jobs and take pay cuts, but it is all basic math.

First, you must completely understand your cash in and cash out. The mortage is easy to see, but you need to understand entertainment, eating out, dating, or anything variable expense.

Once you know that, you will know two things - how much you must have to live on, and what items are candidates to be cut.

Second, depending on your situation, you will need to consider reducing your overhead. If you can sell your real estate and downsize, you may relieve yourself of that large monthly obligation thereby allowing you to reduce your income. You can look at things like basic cable, your cell phone bill, and even auto insurance.

But, if at the end of the day you cannot reduce your liabilities sufficiently and you are not in any physical danger, you should not leave the well paying job for a lessor paying one or suffer the pressures of financial insecurity.

Hope this helps.

If you have any further questions, feel free to email me at:


Reply:Stay where you are and look for hobbies to fulfill yourself more. Once you are in a better finacial situation you can consider switching careers. Be responsible, and wouldn't not making it financially stress you out more than your uninteresting career.
Reply:There is an advantage to giving advice. The advisor doesn't have to live with the consequences.

My suggestion to you is to continue to work at your current position while you have your Resume in circulation.

You know the minimum compensation you can live with and do not accept any position under that level.

Starting a new career or career path does not necessarily mean starting over at the bottom.

Your past experience is always marketable and should give you an opportunity to negotiate a better compensation package.

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Colleges in canada offering master degree in pharmacy?


Colleges in canada offering master degree in pharmacy?
U of Alberta M.Sc. in pharmacology

U British Columbia M.Sc. in pharmacology

Memorial U M.Sc. in pharmacy

Dalhousie U M.Sc. in pharmacology

McMaster U M.Sc. in medical sciences

Queen's U M.Sc. in pharmacology %26amp; toxicology

McGill U M.Sc. in pharmacology and therapeutics

U of Saskatachewan M.Sc. in pharmacology
Reply:The University of Toronto, Faculty of Pharmacy, offers the course...and a number of opportunities for research as well. The website of the university is www.utoronto.ca

What kind of career path options would you suggest?

I have a dual pre-med degree in Neuroscience and Biology with a minor is Business Administration and I graduated with honors. Since graduation in 2004 I've been working in the clinical research side of things with major pharma companies who are trying to market their study drugs, which is a pleasant mix of science and business. however, I'm getting ready to go back to school in Fall 2008, but I'm undecided with which path to take. I was originally set on getting an MBA and excelling in my business job, but I've since learned of many other biology/medical related paths. Any suggestions? here is an abbreviated list:


med school (i considered it, but probably not the path for me)



Any other suggestions? Details please. I live a little north of Atlanta, if that helps.

What kind of career path options would you suggest?
With the dual degree you have, maybe you should consider another alternative. You mention the "pleasant mix of science and business" working with a pharma company. Have you explored fields of nano-science? There is a lot of cutting edge research in the nano-technology field that is medical related. The University of Delaware is working on "self-assemble[ing]... multicompartment cylinders" (udel link) that can be used in radiation therapy. Researchers have also developed drug delivery nano-"viruses" that inject chemotherapy drugs directly into tumors. You might want to consider a nanotechnology related graduate degree.

Otherwise, I would suggest the MBA. You open up many doors with a business degree and it doesn't prevent you from continuing down a medical career path.
Reply:check out Keck Graduate Institute in Claremont, CA. They are a blend of exactly what you are describing. Here is a link to some of the career paths they mention. http://www.kgi.edu/x1742.xml

Good luck!

What are my chances at UCSD?

My GPA is 3.6 only counting a-g requirements. Total sat score 1900. I have 200 hours of volunteer work at various hospitals. I did a full internship at UCSD clinical research center for about 6 weeks. I have letters of recommendation from two doctors there. I took mostly Honors and AP classes.

What are my chances at UCSD?
Academically, you sound like a dream.

Racially...what flavor are you.

The Regents at UCSD are notoriously 'progressive' in their selection process.

Hey...don't call *ME* racist...I'm not the one doing the profiling.

**** Edit ****

Please forgive my grouchiness yesterday. UCSD's affirmative action programs and how imbalanced they are toward non-Americans (whatever race, mind you!) is a giant pet peeve of mine.

Things may have changed greatly in the many years since I applied and was rejected...I will honestly say that my SATs were no where NEAR as good as yours. 1900 is absolutely FANTASTIC and you have every right to be proud of that score!!!

Do at least try and apply. Their Pre-Med and Med-schools are among the best in the Nation. I pray you succeed in your acceptance there.

There is a growing trend in sexual and physical violence perpertrated by women to men - why?

There have been a range of books and papers written on the subject.

Female Sexual Offenders

An Exploratory Study

by Ruth Mathews, Jane Kinder Matthews %26amp; Kathleen Speltz

This classic 112-page study of female sexual abusers adds significantly to the research literature. . (1989) This is a great book that critically analyses the issue of female sexual offenders.

Miletski, H. (1997). Mother-Son Incest: The Unthinkable Broken Taboo. Brandon, VT: Safer Society Press

Saradjian, J. %26amp; Hanks, H. (1996). Women Who Sexually Abuse Children: From Research to Clinical Practice (Wiley Series in Child Care and Protection) NY: John Wiley %26amp; Sons.


Baron, R. S., Burgess, M. L., %26amp; Kao, C. F. (1991). Detecting and labeling prejudice: Do female perpetrators go undetected? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 17, 115-123.

Condy, S. R., Templer, D. I., Brown, R., %26amp; Veaco, L. (1987). Parameters of sexual contact of boys with women. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 16, 379-394.

There is a growing trend in sexual and physical violence perpertrated by women to men - why?
Aggression is an animal quality we humans also have and is not exclusive to men or absent in women. Because men were seen as the primary aggressors in a biased culture, and these cultural norms are just now changing, it may be some time before the perception of aggression between the sexes matches the reality. There have always been obsessive compulsive aggressive women, but they've never been seen or treated as equals nor considered a serious threat. They're treated like naughty children. You don't send a naughty child to prison. Some of the behaviors of predatory women are so diffferent than those of men because they don't have the strength to do it the way a man does. IE NO Lizzy Bordon WASNT an ax murderer. However, there were plenty of black widows in history that went undetected in a time when men died younger and blood tests didn't show up all poisons. If the trend towards equality continues, more women will be held accountable as adults. But that will require full adult status in order to happen.
Reply:That punishment for female offenders tends to be lighter might well encourage said-offenses. Back in college, a young man was stalked and harassed by someone he only dated for two weeks. When she saw him on a date with another woman, several months later, she sugared his gas tank, poured vinegar on his leather seats, and slashed his tires. When he applied for a restraining order, the cop actually said, "can't you keep her in line?" and then wrote a mutual restraining order, declaring that they both had to stay away from each other. By the way, she didn't file an order against him, nor had she filed a police report against him, so it wasn't like the police had a written record of mutual antagonism.
Reply:Probably more reporting of it.
Reply:I believe it is more reported but also because of the media. Whenever you watch a channel like Lifetime or something like that, you always see women slapping and abusing men.
Reply:I do believe it is more reported now. Man have been beating up woman for a long time. In the past was no reported.

have perfect teeth

I m persuing biochemistry final year.what should i go for after that?please reply...?

can i go for msc in clinical research or biotechnology and after that mba?

I m persuing biochemistry final year.what should i go for after that?please reply...?
Biotechnology or BT is industrial application of biology. Its biology in the service of mankind. It involves application of plants, animals and microorganisms in industry.

Post-grad courses in BT -

MSc. in Biotechnology or even Biochemistry has good career prospects. Biotech is a booming sector and the growth oppurtunities are high. The Biotech sector includes - Biopharma, Biotech, Biotech services, Bioindustrial, Bioinformatics etc. After BSc., those who want to go for research, choose MSc. and then go for Phd. On the other hand, some go for MBA-Biotechnology. Career oppurtunities for both these courses are good.

After doing MSc. Biotech, one can join R%26amp;D dept. of any good Biotech company. US is the best destination for Biotechnology. It stands out in the field of research as well as the biotech market is much developed in the US. Similar, is the case with UK, Canada and a few EU countries. Coming to India and China, these countries are really trying hard. Australia is good study destination as well for BT studies in Asia-Pacific region.

For details on entrance exams and admission procedures as well as more career options in BT, you may visit -


The other career prospect is MBA-Biotechnology. MBA-Biotech has bright prospects. It is a 2-year programme in management. Only science stream graduates/ those in their final year of graduation can only apply for this course. This course gives equal emphasis to both Biotechnology and management. In India, University of Pune(PUMBA), Amity Institute at Noida are the preferred institutes for this course. For details on this course, go to http://www.microbiologyindia.cjb.net
Reply:you can pursue medicine after that or a researcher..
Reply:ya u can go for clinical or biotechnology .after doing ur PG in any one going for mba is a waste thing . u better opt for mba or clinical\biotechnology.biochemistry also has much grace now,than biotech ,,biochemistry PG has more opportunities
Reply:At present Biotechnology is best.You will be selected before you complete this course due to demand for this.Good luck

What i need to enter in pharmaceutical or any health care industry??

In india iam a pharmacy graduate with first class %26amp; recently completed the 6 month certificate course in Clinical Research so after this what is the chaces for me to get in industry or do u think i have to do more something to add in biodata .. iam looking for job in this basis , is it enuff . Actually i realy want to do job in any pharma or health care organisation . if any one know the opening then please inform me in answer..or any industry or something.....

What i need to enter in pharmaceutical or any health care industry??
B. pharma is sufficient, but MBA and M. pharma will add a lot to it, you ll earn double to tripple for it. i dont no ur location but if u r from north india, then try in Baddi HP or post ur resume on net.

I shall finish my Medical Science Doctorate study soon. How to find a job?

I had been a doctor for years in China. Now I shall finish my Medical Science Doctorate study soon. I know I am not eligible to work as a clinican in other constries, but I can work in clinical research. Does anyone think it's possible for me to find a job in countries such as in Irland, America, or Canada. A Chinese student finishing study abroad usually will be against by the colleagues, except he/her is the chairman/chairwoman. I do fear coming back. Actually I am financial secure in China, and have a medium income, which I am satisfied with.

I shall finish my Medical Science Doctorate study soon. How to find a job?
you are in the wrong section
Reply:I don't know about Canada or Ireland - but there are no good jobs in the US now.
Reply:Chinese doctors :)

Over you come chap - doors are open in the west for people like you. We like those who contribute.

Come to the UK and they'll probably let you practice medicine.

Does cancer has cure?

i am doing clinical research,i need to know that if recent research has some cure for cancer

Does cancer has cure?
You might find useful, as references, the following books: How to Prevent and Treat Cancer With Natural Medicine by Michael Murray, and Beating Cancer With Nutrition by PAt Quillen. Good luck with your research.

Both books have extensive bibliographys.
Reply:Actually no...
Reply:There is no universal cure for cancer. But many people recovered from the condition by entirely changing their lifestyle. If you want to find out what physical, emotional, and even Soul factors are involved in someone developing cancer, and how people may be combating it, perhaps you would like to click on "Dhaxem and Cancer" on the Dhaxem website.
Reply:No but we can slow the death of cancer patient by the treatment
Reply:There is no universal cure for cancer. There are many different types of cancer. Some can be treated successfully with surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Reply:sure there is cure for cancer. you can search on the net and find out more.
Reply:No. Only treatment and prevention. Request the free DVD from Support@PreventionProof.com on cancer and nutrition. It might help your paper.
Reply:Some are curable in the early stages. This depends on many factors such as age, immune system, hormone etc.
Reply:it depends of what kind of cancer it is

if its malala na no.
Reply:there's no real cure for cancer..... just hope!


Should i buy this book? would you read it?

From 1990 to 1995 Dr. Rick Strassman conducted DEA-approved clinical research at the University of New Mexico in which he injected sixty volunteers with DMT, one of the most powerful psychedelics known. His detailed account of those sessions is an extra-ordinarily riveting inquiry into the nature of the human mind and the therapeutic potential of psychedelics. DMT, a plant-derived chemical that is also manufactured by the human brain, consistently produced near-death and mystical experiences. Many volunteers reported convincing encounters with intelligent nonhuman presences, especially "aliens." Nearly all felt that the sessions were among the most profound experiences of their lives.

Strassman's research connects DMT with the pineal gland, considered by Hindus to be the site of the seventh chakra and by René Descartes to be the seat of the soul. DMT: The Spirit Molecule makes the bold case that DMT, naturally released by the pineal gland, facilitates the soul's movement in and out of the body and is an integral part of the birth and death experiences, as well as the highest states of meditation and even sexual transcendence. Strassman also believes that alien abduction experiences are brought on by accidental releases of DMT. If used wisely, DMT could trigger a period of remarkable progress in the scientific exploration of the most mystical regions of the human mind and soul.


Should i buy this book? would you read it?
I actually have that book, DMT the spiritual molecule. It's a good book on collective data. I dig the Alex Grey cover art too. :)
Reply:Sounds like a neat read... I though DMT was a pesticide too...
Reply:I wouldn't read it, because I like realistic fiction.

If you like it then buy it! =)

Have you had West Nile Virus?

If you had West Nile and have tested positive there is a research study you could participate in. Its free and takes very little time and all they send you a kit with everything you need. I had a bad case of West Nile and I'm participating. I hope others will too. Here's who you contact.

Maggie McMillin

Clinical Research Coordinator

Bamshad Laboratory

University of Washington

1959 NE Pacific St. HSB RR345 A

Seattle, WA 98195-6320

ph 206.221.3849

fx 206.221.3795

pg 206.469.1668



Have you had West Nile Virus?