Thursday, August 19, 2010

Has anybody here ever done an extended water-only fast?

For health reasons, I'm thinking about trying a water-only fast, perhaps anywhere from 10 to 30 days in length. I am a 63-year-old male, 5'9" 250 pounds, with high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes (pills, not insulin), high fasting blood sugar, and low HDL, and a history of a mild stroke in 2003. My health care professionals all advise me to NOT do a fast. Thirty years ago, when I was much younger and healthier, I did fast for 10 days and lost 25 pounds, and I felt great all during the fast ... at least until I ended the fast with a big greasy cheeseburger (big mistake). Anyway, it seems that there is quite a difference between mainstream medical advice and actual research studies. Practicing doctors advise against fasting, especially for diabetics, while numerous clinical studies seem to indicate that fasting has demonstrated lots of benefits. So ... does anybody here have any personal experience with long-term fasting?

Has anybody here ever done an extended water-only fast?
I've went 19 days, But I drank more than just water. I drunk Apple juice, and milk as well. I also advise you to take plenty of vitamins. This way you know that you are geting what you need to keep your body going
Reply:know personal exp. but can tell you that you need certain vitamins from foods to keep you healthy, foods high in proteins are good also, have you tried exercising... exc. way to matain a healthy weigh, its a hard habit to start but once you do its a hard habit to stop.Join a gym , I did years ago 48.5 years old and in the best shape and feel great, plus a good way to make new friends
Reply:This would be very dangerous because of your diabetes,especially.
Reply:Its never a good idea to only drink water for that long of a time. At the least, you need some protein too. your body can not store protein, so it needs to be eaten every day. Protien plays a key role in metabolism, and the creation of new cells. At minimum, I would suggest drinking milk and taking vitamins as well as drinking your water, and do not do it for 30 days. that = extremely unhealthy.

Cancer stem cells are the true cause of cancer?

Cancer stem cells were first postulated over 100 years ago. Biologist named Beard called then germ cells that produce cancer cells in 1902-1906

Then in 1994-97 researchers finally did isolate the first cancer stem cell, in leukemia. Since then cancer stem cells have been found in multiple cancers like breast, colon, pancreas, myeloma, and brain. Leading research centers for cancer stem cell work are Johns Hopkins, Stanford, and U Michigan.

There are some clinical trials soon to start to target cancer stem cells.

So, what is a cancer stem cell? it is the cell that produces the actually cancer cell.

Stem cells divide into more stem cells and progenitor cells that go on to be mature cells. So the cancer stem cell will reproduce itself and more cancer cells. Current therapies do not kill the cancer stem cells, so they then can then produce more cancer cells. If you can kills of all cancer stem cells, then the cancer may be cured.


Cancer stem cells are the true cause of cancer?
Yes, true, that has recently resurfaced in cancer research. Some people are beginning to think that cancer relapses might actually be due especially to leftover cancer stem cells in the body (traditional chemo is not very discriminate and will also kill those, at least partially...).

But I had not heard yet of stem-cell targetting agents. I will look into this. Seems interesting.
Reply:In my family, cancer is a constant (mom, me, sister, aunts, cousins, uncles). In fact, my uncle and I have had the same rare cancer (about 40 people a year get it world wide). So I know there is a genetic connection probably passed on through the cells from my mothers family. While my mom was one of the first people to be on the Mayo's breast cancer drug, which is fantastic, we as her children are hesitant to go to get "mapped". If there is a cell or gene that causes cancer and if you are marked as a pre-disposed person, I don't want that to inpact me in the future (for insurance purposes). By the way, my cancers have always been spurred on by hormonal changes, new birth control, new baby, things like that. I think they still have a long way to go and funding your local research center or a privatly funded center will make your dollars worth while - please look into it.
Reply:This is a relatively new theory. In my opinion, it has alot of credence. Unfortunately, many people have misinterpreted this news to infer that stem cells cure cancer.

See my previous answers:;...;...
Reply:There is a cancer stem cell and it leads to active cancer. It is usually caused by a genetic defect usually on chromosome 12. Because of the number of genes that possibly cause it, the cell can be propogated by any one of millions of genetic combinations. When we learn how to turn the switches off in the cell, if ever, we will have the cure for cancer. It is a ways off though.

Clinically Deppressed Best Friend/Girlfriend?

I found out my best friend for years (basically my girflriend) has clinical depression a few weeks ago (by researching online). She took those online tests and had 9/10 symptoms. I talked to her mother, and my best friend n her mom agreed it'd be best to go see the therapist after finals (this upcoming week). It's been really tough, and i think it has gotten worse.

When she gets mad at me, she has these "episodes", she starts cussing at me, telling me she hates me (i know she doesn't mean it), she begins to rock back and forth, breathing hard (kind of life a monster honestly =\), she starts scratching herself, screaming, and acting well...crazy. It's kinda scary. Thing is sometimes she won't even remember, or if she does, she doesn't realize why she has those outburts....What exactling is going on when she has these outbursts??

Clinically Deppressed Best Friend/Girlfriend?
your friend is showing a lot more than signs of clinical depression. She is showing signs of psychosis or psychotic break. She is in need of professional help now, not after finals, not tomorrow, now. She needs to be evaluated by a psychiatrist, not a therapist. She cannot control herself, doesn't remember her or her mom, need to take control and get her some help. NOW, not later.
Reply:Take your friend to the nearest hospital and have her evaluated by a psychiatrist. She needs in-patient care, ASAP. It sounds like a Thorazine regimen would do her good.
Reply:I am no psychologist, so take this for what it's worth, but have you ever heard of borderline personality disorder? Depression is one major component of the condition. Regardless, consider that anyone who is clinically depressed finds it almost impossible to show ANY emotion, even anger, so if she gets that enraged, I would definitely assume something else is going on too. My best advice is to suggest (very carefully and gently) that she seek help from someone qualified. I think you have done a good thing by enlisting the help of her family.
Reply:This might be helpful

dr teeth

Which course must you do to be a registered nurse (out if this list)?

Doctor of Nursing Science

Doctor of Nursing Studies

Graduate Diploma of Health Studies

Graduate Diploma of Mental Health

Graduate Diploma of Midwifery

Graduate Diploma of Nursing

Postgraduate Diploma of Midwifery

Postgraduate Diploma of Public Health and Tropical Medicine

Bachelor of Midwifery

Bachelor of Nursing

Bachelor of Nursing (Post-registration)

Bachelor of Nursing (Pre-registration)

Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of Applied Health Sciences - Indigenous Health

Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of Applied Science - Human Movement Studies

Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of Health Science - Public Health

Bachelor of Nursing and Health Services Management

Bachelor of Nursing Informatics

Bachelor of Nursing Science

Bachelor of Nursing Science (Post-registration)

Bachelor of Nursing Science (Pre-registration)

Bachelor of Health - Nursing (Post-registration)

Bachelor of Nursing (Graduate Entry)

Bachelor of Nursing Science (Graduate Entry)

Master of Advanced Nursing Practice

Master of Advanced Practice

Master of Clinical Nursing

Master of Clinical Practice - Specialisation

Master of Forensic Mental Health

Master of Health

Master of Health Science

Master of Mental Health

Master of Mental Health Nursing

Master of Midwifery

Master of Midwifery - Endorsed Midwife

Master of Midwifery - Pre Endorsement

Master of Midwifery (By Research)

Master of Midwifery (Post Endorsement)

Master of Nursing

Master of Nursing - Infection Control

Master of Nursing - Nurse Practioner

Master of Nursing Leadership

Master of Nursing Science

Master of Nursing Studies

Diploma of Nursing

Graduate Certificate in Applied Science - Breast Ultrasound

Graduate Certificate in Cancer Nursing

Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nursing

Graduate Certificate in Community Practice

Graduate Certificate in Critical Care Nursing

Graduate Certificate in Emergency Nursing

Graduate Certificate in Intensive Care Nursing

Graduate Certificate in Medical/Surgical Nursing

Graduate Certificate in Mental Health

Graduate Certificate in Nursing

Graduate Certificate in Paediatric Intensive Care Nursing

Graduate Certificate in Paediatric, Child and Youth Health Nursing

Graduate Certificate in Sexual Health

Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Nursing Practice - Rural and Remote

Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Science - Advanced Clinical Practice

Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Science - Cardiac Nursing

Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Science - Care of the Aged

Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Science - Clinical Teaching

Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Science - Intensive Care

Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Science - Neonatal Care

Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Science - Perioperative Care

Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing Science - Renal Nursing

Which course must you do to be a registered nurse (out if this list)?
That looks like a list of advanced degrees for specialty nursing. Your local Junior college should offer an Associate degree In Science with RN training. After graduating , take the state licensing exam to be licensed to work in your state. Then while working as an RN take any additional advanced training for any speciality you are interrested in. Many hospitals will help with tuition costs for advanced training.
Reply:Hope you enjoy your career in nursing as much as I did mine. It is a very fullfilling career. Report Abuse

If you believe death is the end of your consciousness, surely you then believe fertilisation is the beginning?

I'm not religious, but why is abortion, embryo research etc allowed, %26amp; those who are against them are thought of as religious nuts? Even though some embryos were going to be thrown away as clinical waste, how does that make it right to take their consciousness, cause them suffering %26amp; defile them further, often for mere financial gain? More diseases etc just come about, so what's the point? Humans are not made with suicidal or heroic tendencies, they aquire them after living in the outside world. They are made with a driving force to live. Science seems more of a fairytale than religion. Why are humans seen as lower life forms until 24wks of existance, when it's fact they are human %26amp; very much alive. At least until some doctor gets hold of them anyway. How can people use the nobody is perfect line, to even attempt to justify murder?

How do most people not give a cr*p, I desperately want to feel that way. How can I? ps I don't want to be religious, that won't change the way I feel.

If you believe death is the end of your consciousness, surely you then believe fertilisation is the beginning?
You are forgetting that people will make any excuse that may seem plausible to justify immoral acts.

It is murder. If not, then I should be able to beat up my pregnant girlfriend to kill the BABY and only be criminally liabel for the aggression toward the mother.

Try to pin these people down to a time when life begins. They can't, because they will claim it doesn't exists until birth which is different for every child. Also, they will say that it has to be a self sustaining life; well I have a 3yr old and if I left him he would not be able to sustain himself.
Reply:Honestly, I don't really understand your question. I just want to say that my feeling is that you seem to mix everything and are unable to find nuances and subtleties that life's beauty holds. I have my own set of beliefs. I am not catholic or anything else. Anyway, no matter what, I believe that there is no end nor beginning. Consciousness is consciousness because it is eternal. Now, when it comes to abortion, medical research, ... Well, I am pro-choice, I am for the advance of medicine and science. However, I don't justify murder and I do not see science as more of a fairytale than religion, when you realize the progress that have been made in just the last twenty years in neuroscience alone. All I could advise is for you to look at these advances and find the "magic" in humanity once again while giving up the "desire" to no longer give a cr*p
Reply:Consciousness begins with the development of the brain or some point thereafter. It doesn't begin with fertilization.

Read a science book sometime.
Reply:I am a Christian. But there are many people against abortion and many are atheists, Muslims, pagans, Buddists. LOADS ARE CATHOLICS. Your gut feeling is that it's wrong and I think when you look into development you will find that feeling is right. I don't know how people can shout choice when the baby about to be aborted has no voice. People like you are a voice for the unborn. Please keep it up. You're lovely.
Reply:They don't have consciousness because the part of the brain that has self awareness is not developed yet. Where are you getting the information that an embryo has consciousness?

I think you have been misinformed. It certainly has life, and if you object to the loss of life, that's one thing but it you are concerned about what the embryo feels or experiences you should understand that it is not a self aware being.
Reply:How the hell can a zygote be conscious? It doesn't have any brain cells!
Reply:No, I don't think fertilization was the beginning of my conciousness. That's crazy talk.

Second, not everyone against abortion is a religious nut, I am against abortion, but I'm more pro-freedom. I don't want the government telling someone they can't have an abortion, it's as simple as that.

If you think the cure and treatment of disease is pointless, then stop taking any antibiotics, washing your hands, and cooking your food thoroughly. With any luck, you'll be dead before having children, and your idiotic genes will be removed from mankind.
Reply:Consciousness requires a brain. Embryos do not have this key equipment.
Reply:My earliest memory is seeing my Nana at the end of a long path. My mama told me I would have been about 1 to 18months old. If I had died before then, I honestly would not have been aware of it..
Reply:I am very pro-life and believe that the mothers who abort thier children should be treated the same as Scott Peterson. Scott Peterson was charged two counts for murdering his wife and unborn baby. What makes the mothers who abort thier children any different than him. They are murderers as well! Shouldn't we all be treated equal? HMMMMMMMM!!!!
Reply:Actually, seeds die before they are fertilized. Man has an appointed time to die and then the resurrection. Think about it.
Reply:the whole abortion thing...

IMO you need to take a test to drive but not to have kids,WTF?

abortion should not be birth control for your slutty 14 year old kid, but i feel it is needed. say your raped and get pregnant, do you want this child? no you should have the right to not have it unfortunately its a harsh way to end a problem but this is life.

hell i think it should be in forced... look at all the stupid crazy poor people in the world, most of these people have not 1,2,3,4 but sometimes more then 5 kids!!! living in poverty on welfare with under educated parents. where is this pointing these children to end up when there grown? the SAME PATH! its a cycle of poor stupid people being poured into this world and we should stop it.
Reply:Your feelings seem very justified as far as I am personally concerned. But, social opinions, in any concerned land, can be aligned with your (and my) way of thinking, through organizations like CARE, or by filing and winning public interest litigation (PIL) suits, in the highest courts of law (in sample countries), with help from suitable organizations, like the one above ( ).
Reply:U sound really religious...and doing scientific research like on stem cells could help find the sure 2 diseases that kill many people
Reply:There's a difference between a hospice and a grave. Just because you're on your death bead, you're not dead yet. Fertilization, isn't the same as birth.
Reply:Fertilization is not the beginning of consciousness because the neural structures necessary for consciousness do not spring into existence at fertilization.
Reply:First to know is to separate religion with cristianism. The Cristians are not the only religious people yet they are against tech. They are against cloning, use of fetusmeat etc. They are against suicide, avortion and killing. Yet not always use to be that way, in the past religion was used to intech the countries, to enlighten and enschool people. With religion people use to do in the anticts something that they haven't done till now. I tell you that religion is to give hope, logic to see things that you couldn't see elsehow while this religion (cristian) is in my opinion to hold the world back with some years. (Mail me and I will tell you more of godless religion and polytheism.)
Reply:You're making a lot of assumptions about a lot of people. I think death is the end of everything, not simply consciousness. I believe fertilization is the beginning of development, not necessarily consciousness.

"Humans are not made with suicidal or heroic tendencies"...that's simply false. Your genes determine a lot about you. Some people develop suicidal tendencies as a result of chemical imbalances in the brain.

You say "what's the point" when it comes to attempts to cure diseases. That's a very naive way to look at things. So you would say stop trying to fight any disease because more are going to come? If that's the way you feel, fine, but I hope the rest of the world doesn't develop this attitude. And I certainly hope you are not taking, nor have you ever taken, any medication including Tylenol. Wouldn't that go against your beliefs?

Finally, another straw man you have set up is the whole 'if you are for abortion it's because you don't care about life". That's a stupid dead end argument. It deserves no answer because it is true of basically no one.
Reply:You're right, they are alive from the point of fertilization but it has more to do with the nervous system. An embryo before 24 weeks doesn't have a nervous system advanced enough to feel pain. They also can't think and realize that they're being killed and feel sad. They're not advanced enough to suffer. In exchange for taking a life that does not suffer, a teen mother can get a second shot at life. And the human race can advance much much further due to stem cell research and embryonic autopsies. HIV, avian flu, SARS, etc. New advances are happening in all these fields because of research on embryos. There have been many breakthroughs.

The human race is benefited and the embryo doesn't feel or know a thing.
Reply:Think of it this way. The research that cost thousands of unborn fetuses their lives will eventually save millions or even billions of people.

Even religious people can't argue that. When we have cures for things like Parkinson's or AIDS, they will have been found through stem cell research.
Reply:I won't argue for or against the morality of abortion, but the argument you present makes no sense.

Death is the end of consciousness, as far as we know. But that does NOT mean that fertilization is the beginning of consciousness. Death is also the end of the ability to read. That does not mean that embryos can read. Death is the end of the ability to see. That does not mean that embryos can see from the moment of fertilization.

Abortion is a serious issue that deserves a serious discussion. Bold but nonsensical suggestions like yours do not help your cause and will only make others ridicule you. Good luck!!
Reply:no, i believe that consciencess begins when the brain is formed. i can tell you havent heard of miscarriages, where they usually have to do a D%26amp;C ''abortion'', or of horrible birth defects, like when the baby never grows a brain, or the spine grows outside of the body. where even if the baby did live (and the mother, its very dangerous) it would need multiple surgeries and be mentally "vegged" its whole life, and paralyzed. Yes, i forgive you, you didnt know, but now, you do, so, your ignorance is no more.
Reply:This one is for J.p.: what your telling me is that you DONT care even if its for rape?You are a sick, sick person. That women went through the emotional damage of being forcibly raped, which is bad enough, but now YOU are going to tell HER that she cant abort the child of the man that ruined her life because you dont think its right. It would be better for her to abort it while it still has no feelings or cognitable thought to speek of, rather than give birthh to it and let it starve to death in a dumpster.Also, if your antichoice, hows about this: you cant eat after 7 o'clock, you cant talk to your family before 8 A.M, you cant go get stitches for that its not that big of a cut anyways, if you have a cold your not allowed to go get medecine and you DEFINETELY cant do anything to alter your body. thats what you should do if your anti choice, because THAT is what your basically doing to women when you say that your antichoice.
Reply:Is a being lacking in consciousness going to suffer? Imagine excruciating pain, and then having absolutely no reaction to it one way or the other, beyond neural impulses.
Reply:Would you be so sad for the excised tumor, which is also very much alive until removed. Without a developed neurophysiology, no human consciousness. So what argument do you have left - potential to be human. I guess that means masturbation, condoms, fertility treatments, etc., should be illegal. What about a woman choosing not to have sex when she's ovulating. You have decided (rather arbitrarily), and many disagree with you on when life begins.

The single-celled zygote does NOT have consciousness.

Nor do they have nervous systems.

Thus, they do not suffer.

The point is to alleviate suffering: to allow the paralyzed to recover, to reverse Parkinson's, and other conditions.

Science seems a fairytale to you because you don't understand it.

That's not the fault of science.

If you were willing to understand science, you could.
Reply:I'm an atheist. I'm also Pro-Life/Anti-Choice.

I don't even make most of the allowances a number of Pro-Lifer's do. I don't make the exception for rape or incest, and make exception for the mother's health ONLY if she could not sacrifice her life to bring the child to viability.

Careful with those generalizations, hm?
Reply:There are two lines of though on abortion;

1-That human life, in the form of an ovum and spermatozoon, becomes a human person at the time of conception.

2-That human life becomes a human person after conception -- perhaps when the fetus looks human, or becomes sentient, or when it has half emerged from its mother's body, or is born, or is functioning completely independent of its mother.

It is an interesting question and a difficult one to answer.

Consciousness may begin with fertilisation but abortion rules seem to be based on whether the embryo resembles a human being or not.

In 2003, from data collected in those areas of the United States that sufficiently reported gestational age, it was found that 88.2% of abortions were conducted at or prior to 12 weeks, 10.4% from 13 to 20 weeks, and 1.4% at or after 21 weeks.

I understand why abortion exists,but I can also see why some might say it is legalised murder.
Reply:It is your conviction. If you think that life is precious, then you will protect it no matter what. Once the egg is fertilized by the sperm, there is life already. However, death is not the end of your consciousness. Your consciousness or your soul live on whether in heaven or in hell. That is why coming to the issue of marriage, it takes responsible people to get married and have a family. Responsible here means a lot including pregnancy, protecting the pregnancy, making sure the children grow up healthily, seeing that they have a future and so on and so forth. And yes, the word murder can be used even though there are a million reasons why the fertilized egg has to be experimented on, why there is a liberate abortion and so on and so forth. However it does not look like a murder because it is not a baby borned into the world and it is not a living human being. People think that just because it is a fertilized egg with no forms and structure of a human being, they think it is not a human being. But actually it is. What you can do is not to be involved in situations whereby these scientific things are being carried out because you might have a mental breakdown if you cannot handle what is really going on. Actually it is also very cruel to experiment on animals even if it is a rat. On the excuse of helping mankind, other living things have to be sacrificed.
Reply:You make a rather grand assumption about the start of life. How can consciousness exist in a single cell? At what point does that mass of tissue become sentient?

You assume that the moment an egg merges with a sperm cell that you have a conscious human being on your hands, but that cell is not viable, it can't survive outside the womb and it cant even draw nutrients without the aid of the mother's body. It can't think and it doesn't even HAVE a nervous system yet, let alone a brain capable of containing a thinking mind.

Using your logic, there would never be a point in treating any illness, since another disease would just "Come around" anyway. If that's your point of view, then please cancel your health insurance and never see a doctor or dentist again. After all, if you get injured or sick, why bother treating it? Sooner or later, you'll just get something else anyway.

How much does a Social Worker with a Masters make?

I was interested in majoring and eventually getting a PhD in Clinical Psychology! After a lot of research, I thought that a Social Worker would be better for me, because I like dealing directly with people and helping children and families in need! I like both fields (based on research), but I don't know which is better for my interests! Also, Psychology seems to be based on a lot of theories and assumptions. My problem is that in Social Work, you don't make loads of money (but I would like what I do), while a career in Psychology is very hard to come by!

How much does a Social Worker with a Masters make?
An MSW generally makes 30-60K to start - depending on where you live and what form of practice you do. After 5 years that salary goes to 40-80K (can be higher but this is the realistic range.

Reply:I started off making $35,000 fresh out of grad school with an MSW at a non-profit.
Reply:well pretty much you will be very markeatable.... if that is a word... depending on what you go for , you will find a job pretty much anywhere.

But also you will be making from 40k to 90k tops in other states, and YOU DO need a masters and lots of experience and certifications to have a somewhat financially rewarding career.

the good thing is that with a masters you can do macro work which is research as you mentioned and that pays more. or micro work which is doing therapy individually.

or mezzo at coalitions or families or groups in society.

is very diverse and what i like is that you don't get bored in this field and i feel pretty much confident that i could find a job anywhere.

you can look up also in the Gov website to see how much you can make.

in this website the pay is low , but i know private practitioners can make up to 60k too.

How much money does a Social Worker with a Masters make?

I was interested in majoring and eventually getting a PhD in Clinical Psychology! After a lot of research, I thought that a Social Worker would be better for me, because I like dealing directly with people and helping children and families in need! I like both fields (based on research), but I don't know which is better for my interests! Also, Psychology seems to be based on a lot of theories and assumptions. My problem is that in Social Work, you don't make loads of money (but I would like what I do), while a career in Psychology is very hard to come by!

How much money does a Social Worker with a Masters make?
An MSW generally makes 30-60K to start - depending on where you live and what form of practice you do. After 5 years that salary goes to 40-80K (can be higher but this is the realistic range.

Reply:Why would you think that a career in psychology would be hard to come by??? I have a sister who's a social worker with 25+ years of experience and she's making about about 90,000 and that was cut from her last job. But she took psychology classes as an undergraduate. I have another brother who's has a master degree in fact he's only a few degrees away from a PH. D. in psychology and he's had jobs from writing for the Congressional Black Caucus, to being a therapist and now he teaches at he's sons school. There are a lot of jobs that you can get with a degree in psychology.

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Is there evidence that links diet to cancer?

I am looking for a research that supports this quote "high calorie, high-fat, low-fiber, low-nutrient diet increases cancer risk at all ages."

source: Diseaseproof your child

I did find info about this

Diets rich in foods high in fat from animal sources, including red meat, increases risk or cancer.

Studies suggest that people who eat more vegetables and fruits, which are rich sources of antioxidants, may have a lower risk for some types of cancer. Clinical studies of antioxidant supplements are currently under way but have not yet shown a reduction in cancer risk from vitamin or mineral supplements (also see entries for: beta-carotene, lycopene, vitamin E, supplements). To reduce cancer risk, the best advice at present is to consume antioxidants through food sources, rather than supplements.

Is there evidence that links diet to cancer?
Here is some new research that might be helpful.

Med Monatsschr Pharm. 2007 Jan;30(1):25-32. Links

[Nutrition and colorectal cancer][Article in German]

Strohle A, Maike W, Hahn A.

Institut fur Lebensmittelwissenschaft, Zentrum Angewandte Chemie, Universitat Hannover, Wunstorfer Str. 14, 30453 Hannover.

Diet plays an important role in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer. Current prospective cohort studies and metaanalysis enable a reevaluation of how food or nutrients such as fiber and fat influence cancer risk. Based on the evidence criteria of the WHO/FAD, risk reduction by a high intake of fruit is assessed as possible, while a lowered risk by a high vegetable intake is probable. Especially raw vegetables and fruits seem to exert anticancer properties. The evidence of a risk reducing effect of whole grain relating to colorectal cancer is assessed as probable whereas the evidence of an increased risk by high consumption of refined white flour products and sweets is (still) insufficient despite some evidences. There is a probable risk reducing effect of milk and dairy products. e available data on eggs and red meat indicate a possible risk increasing influence. Stronger clues for a risk increasing effect have been shown for meat products leading to an evidence assessed as probable. Owing to varied interpretations of the data on fiber, the evidence of a risk reducing effect relating to colorectal cancer is assessed as possible or insufficient. The available data on alcohol consumption indicate a possible risk increasing effect. In contrast to former evaluations, diets rich in fat seem to increase colorectal cancer risk only indirectly as part of a hypercaloric diet by advancing the obesity risk. Thus, the evidence of obesity, especially visceral obesity, as a risk of colorectal cancer is judged as convincing today. Prospective cohort studies suggest that people who get higher than average amounts of folic acid from multivitamin supplements have lower risks of colorectal cancer. The evidence for a risk reducing effect of calcium, selenium, vitamin D and vitamin E on colorectal cancer is insufficient. As primary prevention, a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grain products, and legumes added by low-fat dairy products, fish, and poultry can be recommended. In contrast the consumption of sweets, refined white flour products and meat products should be reduced.

PMID: 17260645 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Suggest you go to PUBMED at

and do some searching. The above article was found using "low fiber diet cancer" as the key search words. There were many more related abstracts available using these and similar key word combinations taken from your hypothesis.
Reply:All disease is linked to diet!

Working in a Laboratory?

Hi I'm a university student working as a lab assistant at a cancer research laboratory. I am involved directly with some of the research so my question is:

Does this count as "clinical contact in a health service environment"?

Working in a Laboratory?
I do not believe so, but it is still incredible helpful if your applying to medical school or similar. Research is highly valued in the admissions process.

Call the local hospital and arrange to volunteer, many hospitals have specific procedures for volunteers to get your patient contact hours.

The other idea (what i did) is to shadow a doctor (especially if they are ER or a staff doc) and get your contact hours that way. I also became an EMT and that helps

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Will a PsyD psychology program reject my application if.....?

I have no research experience? I am much more interested in the clinical aspects of psychology, and much less so in research. Because of this, I am persuing a PsyD as oppsed to a PhD, and I am focusing more on gaining clinical experience (such as volunteering at the psych ward at a hospital, volunteering at a nursing home, volunteering at a suicide hotline, etc.). Will my applications be rejected? Should I hurry up and get some research experience before I apply? Please help!

Will a PsyD psychology program reject my application if.....?
You pretty much have your head examined for applying for any job nowadays. They think you're crazy for applying for work.
Reply:Do you do this volunteering that you mentioned? The psych ward, nursing home, and hotline? If so, then I think you're okay. I'm also going for psych, and am considering a PsyD as opposed to a PhD b/c I'm not a researcher. Make sure to look up the stats on the school you are applying to though and see what they recommend, like whether or not a background in research is "highly recommended" or not.

Which summer job should I choose?

I recently applied to two very different jobs and got offered both of them. First job is as a residential counselor at a private eating disorders clinic in an upscale neighbourhood. Second job is a government job as a project manager for a research study on substance abuse counseling at the Veteran Affaris Health Care System and Stanford Medical School.

My dilemma is this - I have already begun training for the eating disorders job, which is going to give me some direct clinical experience with real patients. It pays $14.50/hr with horrible benefits. However, I have to go from 3pm-11pm 3 times a week and from 9am to 9pm on Saturdays for a total of 36 hrs. I love this schedule because I get to sleep in...and I have insomnia, which makes it hard for me to get good sleep as it is.

The second job - I'll call it the research job - pays $49,000 annualy for a 44hr week. Of course, that would be 9am to 5:30pm daily (ugghhhh). My biggest fear is that my insomnia will make this job hell!!

Which summer job should I choose?
Write down both jobs of separate pieces of paper. Fold them up, jumble them around and pick one. As you read what job you picked, pay close attention to how you feel. Are you glad you picked Job A over Job B or are you feeling disappointed and wish you had picked the other piece of paper? Listen to your feelings and good luck!

If a friend or family member is ill they get sympathy but not if they are clinically depressed. Why is this ?

I have suffered from clinical depression for about six years or so. This was triggered by being ordered ,literally under pain of death ,to give up my part-time consultancy work.together with the unexpected death from cancer of my two older brothers All of that occuredin the space of about five months.

With a mixture of psychiatric support,family support, medication, and regular exercise I now have periods of good times but also bad times.

I read Psychology for my degree and have a reasonable understanding of what is going on. But it doesn't stop me being ill.

Forty years ago when I was studying , the model of the brain cell was the simplistic idea of a chemical cell activated by electrical impulses. Modern research suggests that the cell is more like a mini computer which is part of a gigantic network.

Are the depressed the new underclass. Should we ask or demand more publicity. Should we ask the NHS to address the problem with education to raise awareness of employers and public

If a friend or family member is ill they get sympathy but not if they are clinically depressed. Why is this ?
Absolutely - I have been ill for 3 years, but I never see friends or family anymore.

I am more disappointed with my family. I have a younger brother who has been mentally disabled from birth and we have all always understood his needs and limitations.

I was the bright one in the family doing extremely well until I became ill and no one visits or contacts me now. In the very rare phone calls - the alwas say oh are you still ill.

It s though they cannot accept that things have changed for me.

It would be great if work was done to raise awareness of of how mental health can affect people.
Reply:Hi I too suffer with depression and have done for many years. I,m on an all time low at the moment, having counselling and on a different anti-depressant. I keep getting told I have lots of support, which I do from my close family and my partner but when it comes to work they think that because they can,t see an injury that I,m fit and well. This annoys me so much, I wouldn,t wish depression on anyone. I just keep thinking of the good days and hope they become more frequent than the bad days, but at the minute the bad days are out numbering the good. I wish I could get a grip of myself and give me a shake and a slap so I would wake up and be back to my "normal" me. I do think there should be more publicity on depression and the affects it has on peoples lives and yes employers should be made more aware of how this clinical disease affects there work force. From one depressed friend to another take care and chin up Alison
Reply:i think its because people dont understand the illness. people are beginning to recognise it as some sort of illness, but they think that a course of anti-depressants will cure it, in the same way as a course of antibiotics will treat an infection or something.

few people realise that this is something that stays with you for years,and perhaps even for life. ive been suffering from depression for just about 6 months now, and my parents think im over it. but there are stil times when i feel really depressed and everything.

i just think more education is needed for people to be able to understand what were all going through!
Reply:I have often wondered if awareness would bring about a clearer understanding to those who have never been clinically depressed. My conclusion is that... I doubt it would make any difference. They simply do not understand. They are accustomed to the world where if something is wrong there is a simple solution. That just isn't true when you're depressed. I've been told "Just get up, shower, and make yourself get out." "You're responsible for your own emotions, you need to snap out of it." "You've seen a doctor, you must not be taking your medicine." "Just stop it. Stop whining. You have nothing to whine about." I wish for one day they could live in the world I live in. They don't have a clue. And I don't whine. I suffer silently and alone most of the time. I only tell them how I am when they ask, and most of the time I regret telling them then. People who say "hey... I've missed you. How have you been?" don't usually mean it in my experience. What they mean is "Hello, I haven't had time to call and let you know that I care if you're alive so I'm feeling a little guilty and if you would just politely tell me that you're fine then it will settle my conscience and I can go on with my business. If you have something good to say, by all means I want to share in your prosperity and at least pretend to be attentive to what you have to say. But if all you want to do is b**ch and moan about the same old crap then just shutup b/c I don't have the time nor the patience." They don't understand that it's like this f5ck1ng black cloud that you can't breathe in and you can't run from and you can't escape. It invades your sleep, it impedes your sleep, it darkens day, it makes your heart sink and your mind ache. It impales your very being with a searing wrench that never seems to end. You wish more than anyone else possibly could that you would awaken one morning to find the blackness gone and that it would NEVER encroach upon your soul again. It steals your dreams. It destroys your life. You cannot function. It doesn't matter how hard you try. It is a monster that lives within you. How could they understand it when they have never seen it? People have so little faith in what they cannot see. It is easier to blame the person than it is to believe in something that is so cruel, so dark, so deep and so seemingly unconquerable. If you could return to the world where you could fix problems with your efforts or with a pill you too would not understand why someone would suffer without fixing it. Why would someone suffer so greatly and not fix it? They think there is a solution to everything. They do not understand that this cannot be fixed. You cannot make it go away. You cannot will it away. You have 3 choices. You can hope that you find a doctor who is sympathetic and intelligent enough to understand the chemistry of it and prescribe medications that make it manageable (it still doesn't go away completely). You can kill yourself (which they consider to be a coward's way out, but is it? they obviously don't have time to deal with you). You can hope it has mercy on you and goes away. Or... you can ride out the storm. I'd like to see them live with a life sentence like that. Talk about baggage... How could they understand that? How? They'd have to believe in something they cannot see and accept that there is no discernable solution. We have a hard time accepting that reality and we live with the beast. How could they possibly accept it? We live in a different world. The only way I have ever found to try to show someone what it is like in our world is the movie "What dreams may come" with Robin Williams in it. It seems "out there" but it is very symbolic. Watch it. Share it. I don't know if it will help but at least it may be something with which you can relate. Best of luck to you. May you find peace.
Reply:It's easier to understand illnesses, metal health problems can't be seen, so people are afraid, they tend to shy away from it, it's taboo, they are better at understanding, if they have had personal experience from mental illness, hopefully you are attending groups which will help you with your problem. The NHS needs to do more, but I don't know about where u live, but each year, mental health patients have to fight for the little help they need where I come from, this year they are reducing services yet again.
Reply:If you break a bone you have a cast , if you are cut you can have a bandage,things that are visible, and everyone has at sometime had a virus or another common condition and taken meds and felt better in a short while. But Depressions not so easy to see from the outside and can be hidden so well, it is such a hard thing to fight and understand so people that have never been on the edge can only compare what they have experienced themselves with feeling down and not realise it might be worse. Problem with depressions publicity is that the people who could make the best case and raise awareness are the very ones that are currently in the worse condition.

People can only see what you wish to show them when it comes to the mind, and people will only see what they wish to see when it comes to depression.
Reply:Each of us have some sort of issues that sometimes are not expressed, try today by calling someone and saying something nice to them, you will see all the positive response you'll get. as humans sometimes its exhausting to take negative attitute and we give up. When we give love we get love back, when we hate we get hate back. try liitle steps by the minute and you will see the world smiling back.

You can make the whole world aware but, if, in yourself you have no peace, it wont make any difference, I do no think its a new Underclass, its just a state of mind. I've been through hell. Lost my sister and brother when I was young, about 10 of my friends have died, my mum is ill etc but am still happy and accept that its beyond my control and I owe it myself to be happy above all. Good Luck
Reply:Because of STIGMA.


Over the past few days a major campaign was launched in Dublin to raise public awarness about suicide and its causes.

you should find the information published on my page informative in more ways than one.
Reply:Well all i can say is that people are afraid of the word depression and automatically think that someone who is or has had depression is weak.I get so angry at this,the majority of US and yes i too had a complete mental breakdown and no I'm not afraid to admit it,have suffered bouts of depression to since.Its the only illness where you are treated like a criminal(My view)I was admitted to a mental hospital after my breakdown and far from being kind and caring they searched me like a criminal.Unlike other hospitals there were no get well cards or flowers.The ward was drab and dirty.To me at that time all i was in need of was a bit of kindness,all i gained was an even bigger fear,a fear of where the hell do i turn to when im feeling this ill again,If your family dont support you.To me the mental health so called professionals should only be allowed to work with people ill with depression etc if they have suffered from this themselves.I truly feel that this side of medicine needs to be put under scrutiny,SORRY! But even after all these years i still cant get over the way mentally ill people are treated.There are a few good ones in the profession,but they are few and far between.If not for my own strength and a brilliant GP at the hands of these people i would be dead now.I feel the stigma of any kind of depression should be discussed publicly,a friend of mine even suggested that when you fill out a job application form dont whatever you do tell them you do or have suffered from depression.WHAT???Lastly as i rant on,we were buying a house at the time and when it came to insuring it as we had an endowment,we were penalised because i was suicidal at one stage.I would support anything that would help highlight this awful illness.1 last thing.When did a depressed person become a PAIR OF CURTAINS(come on now,PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER)Aaaaaaaaaagghhhhhhhhh.GREAT QUESTION%26gt;It hit a nerve with me
Reply:Could the reason be people fear depression is contagious?

I live with someone who is depressed %26amp; he definately does depress me!

Da Judge describes depression as a black cloud...

Perhaps finding the picture of:

"God seperating light from darkness"

might give you an alternative image to keep in mind?

(Please just do a Yahoo or Google image search for it!)
Reply:IMO, people think you can switch it off and on. they don't really understand that it is truly a sickness that needs medical attention.
Reply:You are completely correct.

The understanding and acceptance of clinical depression is still a taboo subject.

I have suffered depression for the whole of my life,it was only when Prozac was available that my life was bearable.I have never told an employer of my condition as i felt that they would not look on me favourably.My life now is great,i have met the love of my life,and we are married,i have a great job ,company car etc.

But once a depressive ,always a depressive.

The taboos of depression need to change,one in four people will suffer depression in their life,the fact is that we are all to proud to admit it.kind regards..

Survey on tennis players who compete!?

I am doing research on Tennis players in my Clinical Sports Massage Therapy class. Please answer the following questions if you have competed either in college or nationally. Or just competed in general! Thanks!

What are common injuries you get when playing tennis?

What are the protocals you have to make sure you go through before and after an event?

What kind of season and off-season conditioning and maintenance do you do?

What other supplemental activities do you do? (diet, exercise, psychology, massage)

Survey on tennis players who compete!?
I play often but I've never competed so I can't answer all of the questions. But I can answer the question about tennis injures because I play often enough to the point that I've either has some injuries or know people that have. Plus I watch tennis all the time and have been following the top pros for a few years.

The most common MINOR injuries in tennis are:

-leg cramps (not a true injury but very common)

-tennis elbow

-bruised toes

-blisters (particularly on hands and feet)

The most common SERIOUS injuries in tennis are:

-ankle sprain

-wrist sprain

-shoulder (muscle strain, tear or dislocation)

-knee (dislocation or torn ligaments)

Slightly less common but still SERIOUS tennis injuries are:

-abdominal muscle strain or tear

-strained back muscles

Before a match I always eat a light breakfast (cereal %26amp; toast or oatmeal), drink plenty of fluids that day (water and/or sports drinks only), cardiovascular warm up (jumping jacks, jogging in place), stretching (legs, arms, back, abs, groin), tennis warm up (serving, groundstrokes, volleys), have a fruit before the match (banana, apple or orange), then play. Drink fluids in between changeovers (especially if it's hot that day). Stretch again after the match is over and go eat some food. Take a hot bath or shower to soothe your muscles.

I don't know how professional players do it, but personaly I've never been able to play a real match in back to back (consecutive) days and still perform at 100 percent. I'm in reasonably good shape and in my late 20's but I'm sure professional athletes have much better physical conditioning than the average person. If a match goes over 2 1/2 hours, it takes me at least a full day off to recover.
Reply:i competed in colleage and at 4.5 level after school years.

now i play once or twice a week, one to two hours each time.

i am so far injury free (for 25 years) but lately my left knee cap starting to sore after a playing long session. i was forced to stop playing in fear of the condition worsen for 2 months, now it feels alright again.

i play short court to warm up and really don't stretch or anything, I know i should.

besides playing tennis, i go to gym once or twice a week, mostly on eliptical machine, cardio exercise, do a little weight. no massage or diet.
Reply:i dont really compete in national or regional... but i do play few sets wit my friends...

1- I never got an injury before... but had my muscle sore because i never strech

2- Water after every sets

3- I dont really have any season or off season conditioning because i play year round with my friends and not for skool (because they dont have a tennis team)

4- I play other sports so i can stay fit for all the sports i play
Reply:1Twisted or sprang ankle

2To stretch and warm up

3I just practice really i don't really do things like camps but some people do

4eat good foods and stay in shape by mainly running.


Did Poorly on the GRE's...Chances of Grad School?

I just took my GRE's and scored a 420 on the verbal and 530 on the math section. A lousy 950. I think part of the problem was not pacing well throughout the test. I had to do a lot of guessing to finish the exam on time. I am interested in getting into a Clinical Psychology masters program. I graduated from a great college with a 3.6 gpa and with a year of research experience, and a couple of months of clinical experience in a psychiatric hospital. What are my chances of getting into a decent masters program? Do you know of any schools that do not require or way heavily on GRE scores. Should I take the exam over in 2 weeks?

Also, I might be interested in getting a masters in social work. A lot of schools do not require the GRE's. However I am unsure if I will be able to transfer from a Masters in Social Work program to a PhD in Clinical Psychology program. Do you know if this is possible? Thank you.

Did Poorly on the GRE's...Chances of Grad School?
It is always worth applying and if you can take the GRE's again I would do it. Clinical psych programs are very competitive but your research experience and experience in a psych hospital will put you in a smaller pool.

As for an MSW on the way to a PhD in psych. It is possible (though you don't want to think of it as "transfering") However, you would not be seen as strong a candidate as if you got your MA in psych (did well) and then applied for a PhD. It is very possible to go to one school for your MA and another for a phd. DA
Reply:Definitely apply. If there's any department that gives second thoughts to standardized test scores, it's going to be the psychology department.

As for applying coursework from an MSW to a Ph.D in psych. Not really. . They are mutually very different. You might be able to waive some of the required stat courses but that's about it. you'll essentially have to start fresh at the bottom.
Reply:While the above answers are encouraging and supportive, they are not at all realistic.

Clinical psych programs are the most competitive of all fields in terms of admissions. Low GREs will get you cut in the first round of application review, since there are hundreds of applications for each open slot.

You must retake your GREs. There is no way around it.

A MSW program does not set you up for "transfer" to a PhD program in clinical psych. One does not "transfer" from any Masters level program into any PhD program. One applies. Thus, you would have to reapply to PhD programs.

I really am sorry, but I guarantee you will be denied admission to any PhD program because of that score, and it is better for you to be told the truth rather than be offered false hope.

Best wishes to you.
Reply:I will just add that the PhD for social work is social welfare- if you get the MSW you'll have a better shot at the social welfare PhD.

It isn't a transfer, you just apply (though for social welfare, you not only need the MSW but also experience).

The 2 degrees are not the same. You may want to seriously consider what kind of work you want to do before applying.
Reply:Apply anyways and then keep your fingers crossed. Try to get an interview with the schools you're applying to and explain that standardized tests are just not your strength, then pull the focus back on all the things you are indeed strong at by reminding them of all your other accomplishments and how well your personal characteristics, work experience, research experience and work ethic will make you a great addition to their program. Impress them. Dress nicely, smile and work the hell out of that interview. Walk out of there making the interviewer really want you in their program. You might also want to say something about GRE scores in your essay. Good luck.

edit - I don't know anything about transferring credits from another program's masters degree into a PhD program, but they might be willing to take 2 classes or so. Cross that bridge when you get to it though. If you really want that psychology doctorate, then focus on it and go for it. You never know.

Real clincal psychiatric help needed, please. (please only respond if you know what you are talking about)?

I've been feeling really down in the dumps for the last 2 days. I'm sitting in my lonely studio apartment by myself with only the pc screen lighting up the room.

I'm a male 24yo 2nd year medical student, in neurology block, studying depression this week.

I have been formally diagnosed with ADHD at 10yo, yet have not had satisfactory reviews from the paediatrician since 16yo. At 18yo he basically pushed me out the door because I was an adult but kept writing Ritalin scripts for the next 5 years or so.

I put my foot down about a month ago and trawled the internet and tracked down a clinical neuropsychologist specialising in ADHD research. I've been in for EEGs and a 3 hour long computerised cognitive assessment and I'm awaiting the results.

I've been completely self-managing, taking 20mg Ritalin, 3000mg Omega-3 fish oil, Ginkgo Brahmi and Lecithin (apparently a precursor for phosphatidylserine)

(to be continued...)

Real clincal psychiatric help needed, please. (please only respond if you know what you are talking about)?
Are you aware that medical doctors have the highest suicide rate of all professions? See this article in Newsweek.

The article cites a website:

You need help and you know that you need it now - especially because if you don't get some real help, your problems will only get worse. I totally understand the urge to self-medicate, and being a med student... you have access to resources that other people do not have. And I totally agree with the above poster, dope is NOT the answer. Talk about a crutch.

Med school is extremely stressful... I'm sure no one has to tell you that, but it might feel good to hear it. In addition, due to your ADHD, you are already set up to be more vulnerable to the highly stressful environment. Aside from your emotional issues, how is the ADHD affecting your learning and academic issues?

The study that you are in should be able to give you some referrals for a reliable psychiatrist. You should also find some reliable social support; support for any academic needs that you have due to the ADHD; and work on the basics: getting enough sleep, exercise and proper nutrition.

Don't feel bad that you are going through all of this... it's normal, especially for a young adult with ADHD and especially for a med school student. But in the long run, it will only make you a better, more empathic and sensitive neurologist (and by the way, I don't mean sensitive as in touchy-feely, I mean sensitive as in more attuned to the issues regarding dual diagnosis and to the real-life barriers to your patients seeking help).
Reply:you know what you should do...

you know what ur going through...medical students usually go through this...thats why i didnt continue medicine :P

listen,from what i read ur under alotttttt of stress lately.first off, get off ur freaking pc and clean up ur room...lay off the alcohol and dont take weed (ur already depressed...taking depressants isnt gonna help,and u know it)

sounds like you need some sleep and a friend to talk to. you also need a change and get out of ur routine.

install really bright white lights in ur apartment...its proven to change ur mood.

get some exercise done (aerobic workout), it'll get ur endorphins to kick in.

dont know what else to say except ur not alone...i've been depressed for the past 2 years...cant remember the last time i was happy...but im against medication,so i try to remedy myself through controlling my activities.

hope this helped...
Reply:don't self manage go see a doctor any doctor

make a list of simple survival tasks such as wash clothes have shower and get yourself to that appointment

you can't live on jam sandwiches if you can't get the energy to cook eat bananas cereal milk fruit till you can

drink plenty of fluids

no beer no mara- this would be stupidity, compounding your probs

committ to helping yourself recover

you are in no shape to study till you get back on your feet

stop running thru your probs in your mind

time for action, baby steps
Reply:I cant give you clinical psychiatric help because im not qualified, and even if I were, you as a med student should know this is not the way to get it.

You dont just have medical student syndrome, thats obvious even to me. it sounds as if you are really struggling from not having your ADHD effectively managed and feeling very unsupported in this and your studies.

You dont need dope, its the worst possible thing you could do. Or alcohol or any other self medication.

Put on you cleanest clothes, wash your face and comb your hair, then go andsee your Dr and explain exactly how you are feeling. Ask to be referred for proper psychiatric evaluation of your mental state now and your previous ADHD diagnosis.

While you are waiting for this to come through (they should hurry it up for one of their own), go and see your course tutor and discuss your work problems with them. You will need to be honest to get the help you need. Then ask for help in finding a counsellor to talk to. Ask your Dr about this too so you get as many recommendations as possible.

Go easy on yourself, but dont let yourself get any further down as it only gets harder to get help if you do. You young medics are valuable, you are the future of medicine so make sure you get there.

I hope I havent sounded harsh. I really dont mean to say pull yourself together because I know how unhelpful that is when you cant. It just feels like one more thing you are failing at, but you asked what you should do. So do it. Before you get to the point where you cant. If you need to talk in confidence, try ringing the Samaritans as sometimes just talking helps you clear your head. I wish you well.

Should I go back to school?

I currently have a good job in the medical field it just doesn't pay enough. I love where I work and I love my boss, except I need to make more money. I started taking some classes at night at community college and I want to get my nursing degree. Unfortunately, I have to work 45 hours a week and the classes are only offered in the daytime. My boss knows that I am in school and doesn't want me to leave, so he told me the other day that he wants to put me in charge of some clinical reasearch, but we haven't started any research yet. Should I stay with my current job and believe my boss that he will pay me more, or should I continue going to school, quit my job and take out student loans? Help!! am stressed out and don't know what to do

Should I go back to school?
Are you qualified to head a clinical research project?

If not, then your boss is just trying to bait you into staying.

If you are, ask for the raise now on the threat of leaving. You owe it to yourself to pursue the most you can attain, and if he keeps leading you along, one day you might look at your watch and notice three years have slipped by, you haven't accomplished anything, and realize you could be a nurse by now.

Step up to life and take a swing at it.
Reply:Talk to your boss and tell him that you have to make more money now or you have to quit and go back to school. Hopefully he will understand and give you the raise or you will be going back to school and getting a college degree. I think you can't lose either way.
Reply:Which path would lead to a better career for you in the long term? Even though you would be getting a raise, is this job something that would really develop your career and is just as valuable as the experience you'd get with the nursing degree? If not I would say don't waste time and get you degree. You'll make the money back when you graduation. If anything you could ask if he would let you work part time while you complete your degree. If your boss really likes you he'll do it.
Reply:Go back to school, with a nursing degree you will have more choices in where you can work, e.g hospitals, clinics, both nationally and internationally, but it is up to you.

Looking for alternative treatment options for meth addiction.?

I have researched until my fingers are numb. Trying to find detox using ibogaine, prometta, or other anti craving drug in New Mexico. Willing to do clinical trials, inpatient, detox w/outpatient. help I am trying tosave my life. stage 1 cirrosis.

Looking for alternative treatment options for meth addiction.?
There isn't an alternative treatment that I know of for meth addiction. I believe that the most affective treatment is behavior modification and detoxification. Both need at least a year to be successful. I have included a site to help you if you want below.

Good luck to you or anyone who is trying to beat this ugly monster!
Reply:Do you have a Dr or therapist? They can often be a huge help in helping to find places that will detox you and use one of the meds you would like to try. They might even be able to help you find meds that might work better for your situation.

If you don't already see a Dr maybe even putting in a call to the local hospital or community mental health and telling them what you are looking for. When someone is ready to quit people are much more willing to help them find what they need.

Good luck
Reply:First things first, the cravings are terrible, but every day gone, it gets better, seclude your self, if you have to get shacked up with family, anything until you find the help you are looking for. You can do it on your own you know, without a step program right off the bat.

Get away from every reminder of your habbit. God can help.

I wish you the most luck in the whole world, you are brave and i know that you can do it!

I wish you the best of luck on your long ,hard trip..

You have made the right move, you know you need to stop and need help..

Do a search engine look up on your computer, there are many MANY options out there for help.

Just dont detox and switch your habit to another substance..its too easy to do..

tooth bleaching

Hair analysis found to reveal eating disorders?

A new study from Brigham Young University found that hair samples can help doctors diagnose eating disorders.

The BYU researchers found marked differences in nitrogen and carbon content when hair samples from females at an eating disorder clinic were compared with samples from females who didn't have a problem. The researchers were able to accurately determine the samples from women with eating disorders 80 percent of the time.

One of BYU's lead researchers on the study -- Kent Hatch -- said hair acts like a "tape recorder." Hair can record specific life events like eating patterns, drug use and even exposure to dangerous products like mercury and lead. "This would give a clinician an objective measure to use to diagnose an eating disorder, and we hope it will eventually allow a sound diagnosis at an earlier stage," said Hatch.

Tests are needed to diagnose eating disorders because those who suffer from them tend to be secretive about their problem or may not even know they have an eating disorder, said Jennifer Tolman -- clinical director at Avalon Hills, a treatment facility in Cache County, Utah. "We had a girl who was 5'10" and weighed 98 pounds, and she wasn't even sure she had an eating disorder, although she could recognize it in others."

The recent BYU research was conducted by faculty in integrative biology, communications, statistics and geology -- and grew out of earlier research on the link between eating disorders and exposure to fashion, fitness and beauty magazines.

One of the co-authors of the BYU study -- Steven Thomsen -- said it would be helpful to biologically determine the same results based on the prior research with magazines. "We have talked about going back and re-exploring some of the things we've studied and adding this variable," he said.


Hair analysis found to reveal eating disorders?
wow didnt know that, thanks for sharing. kinda scary thinking about it.
Reply:Interesting, but many doctors do not recognize hair analysis as real science. I worked in a steel foundry and was concerned about high levels of manganese. There is no blood test for this, because its not a heavy metal. I had a hair analysis and ALL the metals I worked with were off the charts. The blood tests though, no one could interpret. No one could interpret the hair analysis either. The reason is that all it indicates is exposure. It really is not reflective of the amount in your system. I know this because the hair anaylis said my iron was high and I worked with iron, but a blood test showed I was anemic at the time. Hair analysis is useful to indicate exposure, but not diagnostic to indicate the amount of exposure in my opinion. (If you work in a dusty foundry, your hair is not a clean sample even though the lab washed it twice in my case to confirm)

Question about death?

i`m afraid of death and was wondering I heard doctors how they let patients experience clinical death then bring them back research and study they do and I wanted them to practice it on me so I could overcome my fear or is there like a virtual afterlife I can experience or virtual death? please reply

Question about death?
I don't believe that a licensed doctor would be allowed to conduct such an experiment. There is too much risk of not being able to bring a person back.

There was a movie in 1990 called FLATLINERS starring Keifer Sutherland, Kevin Bacon, Oliver Platt and Julia Roberts where 5 Medical students begin to explore the realm of near death experiences, hoping for insights. Each has their heart stopped and is revived. They begin having flashes of walking nightmares from their childhood, reflecting sins they committed or had committed against them. The experiences continue to intensify, and they begin to be physically beaten by their visions as they try and go deeper into the death experience to find a cure. Since this was Hollywood, it was not based on real events.

I would suggest that you read books dealing with near-death experiences. These books deal with people who have been clinically dead due to an accident but came back after they died. Many of them report hearing the most beautiful music in the world, seeing a warm bright light, feeling weightless and free, and feeling total, unconditional love. Many of them also go through days, weeks or months of depression when they are revived because they had a taste of what’s to come.

I would also suggest that you read the book LIFE ON THE OTHER SIDE: A Psychics Tour of the Afterlife by Sylvia C Browne and see if her writing feels comfortable right to you.

The bottom line though is that you should not fear death. It is a natural part of the life cycle and, in many cases, it ends physical suffering.

I wish you all the best.
Reply:I think you are thinking of a movie with kevin bacon in it. I forgot the name, but they played with death to overcome guilty experiences in their lives.

If this is true for you to experience a valid afterlife b4 death, don't you think there will be only one religion? My advice, don't fear death, prepare for it. Every religion enjoins good and forbids evil. Research different religions and find one that you see has the most evidence for it. Then see what they say about death and afterlife.
Reply:There are alot of people in this world that are afraid of death. Basically its fear of the unnone. Its somewhat normal to have a fear of death. Its how much you fear it that may cause the need for some special attention. I don't think experimenting with death just to get over a fear is a wise choice. The only person that can help you over come your fear of death is you....and not death and coming back. Some simple self questions might What about death do I fear? Than from there maybe more questions. Are you can read up on to people that have died and were brought back. If you don't want to be afraid first find out why you are.
Reply:There is nothing a doctor an do like u said... u can talk to the person or to a priest or rabbi wat have you...





Reply:If you are a christian and have trusted Jesus as your saviour then there is no reason to fear death. It is only the people who do not trust in the LORD that have reason to fear death.
Reply:there is a way, its called flatlineing
Reply:I have never heard of any legitimate doctor inducing a clinical death, but I know that there have been documented cases of patients being pronounced clinically dead and telling of an experience of the hereafter.
Reply:There has been no such study. There is no such thing as virtual death.
Reply:I don't think so buddy.
Reply:God gave you life and God can take it away . Go to a Church and talk a priest, pastor , minister ,or somebody that can explain death to you .
Reply:never heard of it. You need to get your life straight with God and then you will not have these fears. You are uncertain of what will happen when you die. if you find an answer, you will be more comfortable with death and life.
Reply:I don't think what you are saying is true if it is i think the patient is in a deep trance and not dead just like a Fakir can force himself to appear dead and then regain his consciousness. Having never done this i have no idea how it feels. Ask a person who has actually done this (that is if anyone has) and then attempt it

Are PsyD's honestly seen as less than PHDs? Is there anything wrong with being a PsyD?

I mean if you're main goal is to work in a clinical setting and actually PRACTICe what you learned and not do research, wouldn't a PsyD actually be better?

Or are people going to think "Oh PsyD... he was too lazy to be a PhD" or wasn't smart enough etc?

Are PsyD's honestly seen as less than PHDs? Is there anything wrong with being a PsyD?
Why don't you read some of the other recent posts about Psy.D's, Ph.D.'s and graduate programs... There have been a ton of them in the past eight hours (and coincidentally enough, two of the posters have an undergraduate degree in biology... hmm...)

And no, in a clinical setting, there is absolutely no difference between a Ph.D. or Psy.D. In my program, Psy.D.'s and Ph.D.'s took all the same classes and had all the same field work requirements. The difference was the Ph.D.'s had an extra year to focus on research and take research-oriented classes... but since you know you don't want to do research, this doesn't matter. If you are worried about prestige, just make sure you get a Psy.D. from an APA-accredited program, get good grades and concentrate on landing "good" field work placements... where you can network for eventual recommedations and jobs.

actually we're seen as the same. Only thing, we are not allowed to write prescriptions, but if you've been reading the latest APA newsletters, thats even gonna change in the next few years.
Reply:PsyD's are clinically trained to provide clinical services. PhD's are also trained to provide clinical services, but are also trained to do research, and the emphasis is not as focused on clinical work. Either can be a great therapist or a big jerk. I would go with the PsyD. for clinical work. PhD. if you are looking to teach.

Looking for alternative treatment options for meth addiction.?

I have researched until my fingers are numb. Trying to find detox using ibogaine, prometta, or other anti craving drug in New Mexico. Willing to do clinical trials, inpatient, detox w/outpatient. help I am trying tosave my life. stage 1 cirrosis.

Looking for alternative treatment options for meth addiction.?
There isn't an alternative treatment that I know of for meth addiction. I believe that the most affective treatment is behavior modification and detoxification. Both need at least a year to be successful. I have included a site to help you if you want below.

Good luck to you or anyone who is trying to beat this ugly monster!
Reply:Do you have a Dr or therapist? They can often be a huge help in helping to find places that will detox you and use one of the meds you would like to try. They might even be able to help you find meds that might work better for your situation.

If you don't already see a Dr maybe even putting in a call to the local hospital or community mental health and telling them what you are looking for. When someone is ready to quit people are much more willing to help them find what they need.

Good luck
Reply:First things first, the cravings are terrible, but every day gone, it gets better, seclude your self, if you have to get shacked up with family, anything until you find the help you are looking for. You can do it on your own you know, without a step program right off the bat.

Get away from every reminder of your habbit. God can help.

I wish you the most luck in the whole world, you are brave and i know that you can do it!

I wish you the best of luck on your long ,hard trip..

You have made the right move, you know you need to stop and need help..

Do a search engine look up on your computer, there are many MANY options out there for help.

Just dont detox and switch your habit to another substance..its too easy to do..

have perfect teeth

Hair analysis found to reveal eating disorders?

A new study from Brigham Young University found that hair samples can help doctors diagnose eating disorders.

The BYU researchers found marked differences in nitrogen and carbon content when hair samples from females at an eating disorder clinic were compared with samples from females who didn't have a problem. The researchers were able to accurately determine the samples from women with eating disorders 80 percent of the time.

One of BYU's lead researchers on the study -- Kent Hatch -- said hair acts like a "tape recorder." Hair can record specific life events like eating patterns, drug use and even exposure to dangerous products like mercury and lead. "This would give a clinician an objective measure to use to diagnose an eating disorder, and we hope it will eventually allow a sound diagnosis at an earlier stage," said Hatch.

Tests are needed to diagnose eating disorders because those who suffer from them tend to be secretive about their problem or may not even know they have an eating disorder, said Jennifer Tolman -- clinical director at Avalon Hills, a treatment facility in Cache County, Utah. "We had a girl who was 5'10" and weighed 98 pounds, and she wasn't even sure she had an eating disorder, although she could recognize it in others."

The recent BYU research was conducted by faculty in integrative biology, communications, statistics and geology -- and grew out of earlier research on the link between eating disorders and exposure to fashion, fitness and beauty magazines.

One of the co-authors of the BYU study -- Steven Thomsen -- said it would be helpful to biologically determine the same results based on the prior research with magazines. "We have talked about going back and re-exploring some of the things we've studied and adding this variable," he said.


Hair analysis found to reveal eating disorders?
wow didnt know that, thanks for sharing. kinda scary thinking about it.
Reply:Interesting, but many doctors do not recognize hair analysis as real science. I worked in a steel foundry and was concerned about high levels of manganese. There is no blood test for this, because its not a heavy metal. I had a hair analysis and ALL the metals I worked with were off the charts. The blood tests though, no one could interpret. No one could interpret the hair analysis either. The reason is that all it indicates is exposure. It really is not reflective of the amount in your system. I know this because the hair anaylis said my iron was high and I worked with iron, but a blood test showed I was anemic at the time. Hair analysis is useful to indicate exposure, but not diagnostic to indicate the amount of exposure in my opinion. (If you work in a dusty foundry, your hair is not a clean sample even though the lab washed it twice in my case to confirm)

Question about death?

i`m afraid of death and was wondering I heard doctors how they let patients experience clinical death then bring them back research and study they do and I wanted them to practice it on me so I could overcome my fear or is there like a virtual afterlife I can experience or virtual death? please reply

Question about death?
I don't believe that a licensed doctor would be allowed to conduct such an experiment. There is too much risk of not being able to bring a person back.

There was a movie in 1990 called FLATLINERS starring Keifer Sutherland, Kevin Bacon, Oliver Platt and Julia Roberts where 5 Medical students begin to explore the realm of near death experiences, hoping for insights. Each has their heart stopped and is revived. They begin having flashes of walking nightmares from their childhood, reflecting sins they committed or had committed against them. The experiences continue to intensify, and they begin to be physically beaten by their visions as they try and go deeper into the death experience to find a cure. Since this was Hollywood, it was not based on real events.

I would suggest that you read books dealing with near-death experiences. These books deal with people who have been clinically dead due to an accident but came back after they died. Many of them report hearing the most beautiful music in the world, seeing a warm bright light, feeling weightless and free, and feeling total, unconditional love. Many of them also go through days, weeks or months of depression when they are revived because they had a taste of what’s to come.

I would also suggest that you read the book LIFE ON THE OTHER SIDE: A Psychics Tour of the Afterlife by Sylvia C Browne and see if her writing feels comfortable right to you.

The bottom line though is that you should not fear death. It is a natural part of the life cycle and, in many cases, it ends physical suffering.

I wish you all the best.
Reply:I think you are thinking of a movie with kevin bacon in it. I forgot the name, but they played with death to overcome guilty experiences in their lives.

If this is true for you to experience a valid afterlife b4 death, don't you think there will be only one religion? My advice, don't fear death, prepare for it. Every religion enjoins good and forbids evil. Research different religions and find one that you see has the most evidence for it. Then see what they say about death and afterlife.
Reply:There are alot of people in this world that are afraid of death. Basically its fear of the unnone. Its somewhat normal to have a fear of death. Its how much you fear it that may cause the need for some special attention. I don't think experimenting with death just to get over a fear is a wise choice. The only person that can help you over come your fear of death is you....and not death and coming back. Some simple self questions might What about death do I fear? Than from there maybe more questions. Are you can read up on to people that have died and were brought back. If you don't want to be afraid first find out why you are.
Reply:There is nothing a doctor an do like u said... u can talk to the person or to a priest or rabbi wat have you...





Reply:If you are a christian and have trusted Jesus as your saviour then there is no reason to fear death. It is only the people who do not trust in the LORD that have reason to fear death.
Reply:there is a way, its called flatlineing
Reply:I have never heard of any legitimate doctor inducing a clinical death, but I know that there have been documented cases of patients being pronounced clinically dead and telling of an experience of the hereafter.
Reply:There has been no such study. There is no such thing as virtual death.
Reply:I don't think so buddy.
Reply:God gave you life and God can take it away . Go to a Church and talk a priest, pastor , minister ,or somebody that can explain death to you .
Reply:never heard of it. You need to get your life straight with God and then you will not have these fears. You are uncertain of what will happen when you die. if you find an answer, you will be more comfortable with death and life.
Reply:I don't think what you are saying is true if it is i think the patient is in a deep trance and not dead just like a Fakir can force himself to appear dead and then regain his consciousness. Having never done this i have no idea how it feels. Ask a person who has actually done this (that is if anyone has) and then attempt it

Are PsyD's honestly seen as less than PHDs? Is there anything wrong with being a PsyD?

I mean if you're main goal is to work in a clinical setting and actually PRACTICe what you learned and not do research, wouldn't a PsyD actually be better?

Or are people going to think "Oh PsyD... he was too lazy to be a PhD" or wasn't smart enough etc?

Are PsyD's honestly seen as less than PHDs? Is there anything wrong with being a PsyD?
Why don't you read some of the other recent posts about Psy.D's, Ph.D.'s and graduate programs... There have been a ton of them in the past eight hours (and coincidentally enough, two of the posters have an undergraduate degree in biology... hmm...)

And no, in a clinical setting, there is absolutely no difference between a Ph.D. or Psy.D. In my program, Psy.D.'s and Ph.D.'s took all the same classes and had all the same field work requirements. The difference was the Ph.D.'s had an extra year to focus on research and take research-oriented classes... but since you know you don't want to do research, this doesn't matter. If you are worried about prestige, just make sure you get a Psy.D. from an APA-accredited program, get good grades and concentrate on landing "good" field work placements... where you can network for eventual recommedations and jobs.

actually we're seen as the same. Only thing, we are not allowed to write prescriptions, but if you've been reading the latest APA newsletters, thats even gonna change in the next few years.
Reply:PsyD's are clinically trained to provide clinical services. PhD's are also trained to provide clinical services, but are also trained to do research, and the emphasis is not as focused on clinical work. Either can be a great therapist or a big jerk. I would go with the PsyD. for clinical work. PhD. if you are looking to teach.