Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Has anyone ever tried vi-pro plus on a dog with distemper if so what was result?

Vi-Pro Plus

Natural and Effective Help for Canine Distemper and Viral Infections

Use Vi-Pro Plus for Pets:

As an oral homeopathic vaccine to immunize your dog against Canine Distemper and other viral infections

To protect against Distemper infection during a known outbreak

To treat active Canine Distemper under veterinarian supervision

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What is Canine Distemper and what are the


Canine distemper is a highly contagious, extremely serious viral disease which occurs in dogs and other wild canids (e.g.. foxes, wolves and coyotes), raccoons, skunks and ferrets.

It is an airborne virus, which affects the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and central nervous system of the animal. Puppies between three and six months and elderly animals are particularly at risk.

Symptoms grow increasingly severe as the disease progresses, they include:

Conjunctivitis (a watery, pus-like eye discharge) and inflammation of the eye


Nasal discharge

Pneumonia (Coughing and labored breathing)_


Reduced appetite




Hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity to sensory stimuli, such as pain or touch)

Muscle twitching

Progressive deterioration of mental abilities and motor skills

Complete or partial paralysis

What is the conventional treatment?

There is no doubt that Canine Distemper is a serious illness. According to conventional veterinarian treatment, about 50% of dogs that contract it will die. Those that survive will often be left with debilitating conditions like permanent digestive problems, neurological problems, seizure disorders, deformities of the paw pads, etc.

According to conventional veterinarian science, Distemper 'cannot be cured' and treatment is supportive only.

Vaccination programs against Canine Distemper have made this viral illness less common in recent times. However, holistic vets point out that there are serious concerns about the wisdom of routine vaccination and its long term effect on the health of pets.

What are the alternatives?

Homeopathic vets have managed to treat Canine Distemper far more successfully than their allopathic counterparts. Using Distemperinum in homeopathic potency, both immunization of dogs as well as recovery rates in infected animals has proved to be highly successful.

There is a wealth of evidence that this is the case and one can only wonder why allopathic vets are not making use of and being trained in the use of homeopathic medicine for their patients.

Dr Horace B.F. Jervis, a veterinarian who pioneered the use of Distemperinum published a monograph in 1929 called 'Treatment of Canine Distemper with the Potentized Virus' Dr Jervis reports his frustration over many failed attempts at treating Canine Distemper during years of conventional treatment in a veterinarian clinic.

This lead him to turn away from conventional veterinarian science and to begin treating his patients using the principles of homeopathic medicine.

After developing a homeopathic treatment for Distemper, Dr Jervis writes:

"I became intensely interested in the subject and bent all my energies to the study of it. My results were, and are, so much beyond my expectations that I am sorry not to be able to interest more veterinarians to take it up and give it a trial. Anyone doing so, I venture to say, will never go back to the old school again...Since commencing the use of this product the death rate in my distemper ward has been very materially decreased, and I have really for the first time in my years of practice felt a sort of load being lifted from my shoulders."

Similarly, Dr Dorothy Shepherd, in her book, "Homeopathy in Epidemic Diseases" notes:

"Here again homeopathy offers the best solution. Believe me, it has been shown again and again that our medicines given intelligently and according to our law, do not only cure infectious diseases speedily and easily without the development of any complications, but they also prevent these same diseases. ....I therefore have no hesitation in stating that from my own experience and observation, the homeopathic preventives are much safer in use, and absolutely certain in their effects. Even should the infectious, disease develop, it will be in a much milder form"

In the words of Dr Richard Pitcairn, D.V.M., Ph.D, and founder of the Animal Natural Health Center (ANHC): "Based on my clinical experience, I think I can safely say that protection with nosodes is as reliable as with vaccinations and with the added advantage of few unwelcome side effects."

What is Vi-Pro Plus?

Vi-Pro Plus combines a Distemperinum nosode in homeopathic dose with homeopathic Bryonia and an herbal preparation of Echinacea, providing powerful protection against Distemper as well as many other viral illnesses.

Used preventatively to immunize your dog, or curatively under the treatment of a homeopathic vet, Vi-Pro Plus can mean the difference between life and death.


See Below To Purchase This Product

What are the ingredients of Vi-Pro Plus?

PetAlive Vi-Pro Plus contains the following 100% herbal and homeopathic ingredients:

Distemperinum C30 is a homeopathic nosode used both prophylactically (preventatively) and curatively in the treatment of Canine Distemper. Homeopathic nosodes are similar to vaccines in that they help to build protection and resistance against specific diseases. They differ to conventional vaccines in that they are usually manufactured from the products of diseases rather than from a culture of the disease agent or virus itself (as in many conventional vaccines.) Research by Dr Horace B. F. Jervis, a veterinarian that pioneered the use of Distemperinum, has demonstrated the high rate of success in the treatment and prevention of Canine Distemper using this homeopathic 'vaccine'. This is in contrast to conventional veterinarian science, which states that more than 50% of dogs who contract this virus will die and the remainder will be very severely compromised for the rest of their lives.

Bryonia C6 is a proven homeopathic remedy which is very effective for the treatment of coughs and dry mucus membranes, as well as the clearing of mucus from the chest.

Echinacea purpurea is one of the top selling herbs for the treatment of colds, flu and other viral infections. Clinical trials have proved its effectiveness in a variety of settings. Studies have shown that Echinacea works by preventing the formation of hyaluronidase - an enzyme that is known to break the cell barriers between healthy tissue and pathogenic organisms like viruses. This immune boosting herb has also been successfully used to restore immune functioning in patients who have undergone chemotherapy.

Lactose (inactive ingredient)

(PetAlive Vi-Pro Plus contains no gluten, artificial flavors, colors or preservatives)

How has Vi-Pro helped others?

"I am moved to write in and say that our family dog would probably not be with us today were it not for this remedy. When our usual vet diagnosed a very ill dog with Distemper things looked very serious and he thought so too. Under his supervision we used your remedy because others have worked very well and we have all been amazed at the quick recovery. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts." - Sandy.

"Luckily our vet agrees with us about yearly vaccination unlike the previous one who wanted to vaccinate every year. Our puppy is taking your Vi-Pro for Distemper to protect her against distemper and other viruses and we are confident that it will be as successful as your other products have been, including your EasyTravel for car sickness!" - Graham

"This product is fantastic - from ease of administration to effectiveness it gets 10/10 from me. I have used all your oral vaccination products for my dogs with great confidence and they remain healthy and disease free." - Brent.

"Here's my story. I bought a dog from a breeder in kentucky I am in Louisiana. I could not drive to meet [him] , so I decided to have him sent via airplane... The next day he started to have a seizure it was very unnerving. The Vet did some blood work and other test. He determined that our brand new dog that we instantly fell in love with had distemper and would most likely die or not be normal for the rest of his life if we were lucky. We don't have alot of money and they were recomending very expensive treatments. We being the good loving people we are turned to God in this circumstance. We searched for answers online, and by praying nonstop. Finally my mom who is a diehard holistic medicine believer turn us on to the thought of a natural cure. So, I searched and it did not take long. I found this site and was skeptical, because I am by nature. Well needless to say It came in the mail very fast.

Then we begain treating him. Nothing happened at first, same old seizures 5 to ten times a day. Then one day he we woke up to him being more active... Now I am happy and blessed to say we have a wonderful healthy almost 1 year old puppy. He has made a full recovery... He brings much happiness to our home, and I truly feel this medicine had a part in that. God bless Native Remedies." - Richard M, LA

"My dog was diagnosed with distemper. She became deathly ill! She wouldn't eat, or drink. Thinking I had done everything possible to save her, my last attempt was Vi-pro Plus. After just a few doses I saw the effect it made. She gradually got better and better. Without a doubt; Vi-pro plus saved her life. Thank you so much for saving my dogs life! She is happy, and full of life again." - Paige, Oklahoma

Add Your Own Testimonial

See Below To Purchase This Product How do we use Vi-Pro Plus?

Vi-Pro Plus in convenient dissolvable granule form. The tiny granules are easy to administer to dogs of all sizes and personalities and are simply sprinkled on the back of the tongue and left to dissolve. No fuss and bother!

Small to medium dogs: Two pinches sprinkled into the mouth.

Medium to large dogs: 1/4 cap of granules sprinkled into the mouth.

Preventative: Vi-Pro Plus may be given for up to a week at 3 - 6 month intervals for the prevention of Canine Distemper. Should a known case of Distemper occur in your area, even if your dog has not been exposed to the infected animal, repeat the dose for 7 days.

Acute: Administer every hour until symptoms subside. Thereafter administer three times daily for up to 21 days.

CAUTION: Please remember that Canine Distemper is a serious illness and it is recommended that any dog with an acute outbreak should be taken to a holistic or homeopathic vet to monitor treatment. Home treatment of acute Distemper is not advised and Vi-Pro Plus should be used under the supervision of a holistic or homeopathic vet for cases of active Distemper infections.

How long until we see results?

When Vi-Pro Plus is taken prophylactically (preventatively) your dog should stay free of Distemper infection. For dogs who have contracted Distemper, treatment with Vi-Pro Plus under veterinarian supervision is recommended.

Under these circumstances and with the appropriate supportive homeopathic treatment, recovery rates are good and most dogs will begin to show improvement within a few days.

How long does one bottle last?

One bottle of Vi-Pro Plus will last for 15 - 30 days, depending on the size and needs of your pet.

A 45-90 day supply of 3 bottles is offered at a discount see the Buy 2 Get 1 FREE special below.

What else can I do help my pet?

Avoid contact with raccoons, foxes, skunks and other potentially infected wildlife if possible

Ensure your pet is eating a balanced, high quality diet with plenty of raw and unprocessed food (preferably organic).

Use Immunity and Liver Support capsules to boost your pet's immune functioning and resistance against disease and infection

Avoid exposure to toxins and chemicals as much as possible including pesticides, herbicides, commercial flea collars, flea powder, insecticides and second-hand cigarette smoke.

Talk to a holistic vet before immunizing your pet. Over-vaccination may stress the immune system unnecessarily.

Regular exercise will help to keep your pet healthy and fit.

Vi-Pro Plus is manufactured according to the highest pharmaceutical standards. Individual ingredients are well-researched, natural, safe and effective.

Vi-Pro Plus is backed by our one year money-back guarantee so your pet can experience relief risk-free.

To order online using our secure server please select below. Most orders are shipped the same day.

(Normal Retail Price - $63.95)

Your Price $49.95

Plus Shipping %26amp; Handling

Normal Shipping within the U.S.A. is $5.99 for the first item and only $1 additional per extra item. To see all shipping options (overnight, international) see our shipping policy

International Customers - Expedited Shipping! We can ship anywhere in the world (UK, Australia, Japan, etc.) within 3-5 business days! Use our currency converter tool.

Vi-Pro Plus

Capsules (60)

15 day supply

$49.95 +S%26amp;H

$99.90 +S%26amp;H

Vi-Pro Plus + LiverAid:

Effective help for pet distemper with improved liver and pancreatic functioning (one of each).

$68.95 +S%26amp;H

Vi-Pro Plus + Energy Tonic:

Effectively treat and prevent distemper while improving vitality and well-being (one of each).

$75.95 +S%26amp;H

Or, call our Toll Free line at 1-877-289-1235

(Outside U.S. +1 (253) 620-4542) where our friendly customer service representatives will gladly take your order.

Has anyone ever tried vi-pro plus on a dog with distemper if so what was result?
I haven't heard of this stuff...but pretty much the only thing I have ever had work on distemper is chloramphenicol. I don't remember the dosage, but if your dog has distemper I would recommend getting it from your vet. Very high doses of vitamin C might also help. I gave our rescued puppies with distemper 250 mg of vitamin C every two hours except at night (more for adults), but I don't know if it was the vitamin C or the chloramphenicol that pulled them through. The section on viral diseases has some more information: http://www.paw-rescue.org/PAW/PETTIPS/Do...

I hope your dog is better soon!
Reply:i dint think that drug will help to cure CD, it probably help to support your pet to get rid of other infection.it will reduce muscle pain. Report Abuse

Reply:CDV is a virus. Chloramphenicol is an antibiotic (abx). Abx only affect bacteria. The only reason the animal needs to be on abx is for bacterial infections, secondary to the virus. Chlora... WILL NOT WORK on the virus, and will produce worse side affects since it enters the CSF of the CNS as well. Report Abuse

Reply:Can you explain your reasoning for giving Vitamin C? And what do you think about also giving Vitamin B12, for the nervous system benefit? Report Abuse

Reply:You should visit your vet first of all. I have never heard of this drug, but does your dog HAVE distemper? Then he has to see the vet.

Also, you answered your own question, "To treat active Canine Distemper under veterinarian supervision."

The vets must monitor the dog and dosage to see if it is helping. They will probably keep your dog there for a while and monitor him/her.
Reply:Sounds scientific, but reeks of bull sh*t.

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