I have been reading Prozac Backlash by Dr. Jospeph Glenmullen, MD.. Excellent book that every patient/consurmer and physician should read. Looking back, I defininely had severe leg shaking while on the seritonin boosters. I was just wondering if others have similar motor tics or muscle contractions as a result of taking these medications. These are not well researched since there are no systematic clinical studies after medications are approved by the FDA and sometimes these side-effects in some people are only noticed once coming off the medication.
Anyone else have muscle contractions caused by SSRI's and Related Antidepresants?
I had problems when I was taking Wellbutrin. I hurt all over. Just felt achey like I had the flu. But had no other symptoms. It just kept getting worse. I took myself off the Wellbutrin and by the third day felt much better.
Reply:yes I've had those symptoms while on Celexa (another SSRI). Bugs me the most at night when I'm trying to sleep and my legs are twitching the hell out of me.
Reply:Conspiracy of the pharmecutical company. Of coure all these depresent drugs have some time of side-effect on everybody. The only person it doesn't have side-effect on is on person who is extremely healthy and sound. They could care less what these drugs are doing to the brain. The depressed/anxious person needs to try look into these drugs before taking them. Im glad you gott off successfully.
Reply:When i was on Prozac ( 8 years of it sadly) I had horrible tremors in the hands. It looked like I was an old lady with Parkinson's, or I had way to many espresso shots. It wasn't great because if my anxiety was bad, the tremors would get worse and my entire arm would shake. Also sometimes at night I would notice i would twitch abnormally sometimes in my sleep. When I finally confronted my doctor about it he said it was because of the Prozac. But I came to the conclusion that the results I was getting from the medication was beneficial compared to the shakes. I have now been off the medication for 2 1/2 years, shakes are gone, depression is gone. And it is great. I do have to take clonzapan though wich is a seditive for my panic attacks ( no shakes)
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