Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cancer stem cells are the true cause of cancer?

Cancer stem cells were first postulated over 100 years ago. Biologist named Beard called then germ cells that produce cancer cells in 1902-1906

Then in 1994-97 researchers finally did isolate the first cancer stem cell, in leukemia. Since then cancer stem cells have been found in multiple cancers like breast, colon, pancreas, myeloma, and brain. Leading research centers for cancer stem cell work are Johns Hopkins, Stanford, and U Michigan.

There are some clinical trials soon to start to target cancer stem cells.

So, what is a cancer stem cell? it is the cell that produces the actually cancer cell.

Stem cells divide into more stem cells and progenitor cells that go on to be mature cells. So the cancer stem cell will reproduce itself and more cancer cells. Current therapies do not kill the cancer stem cells, so they then can then produce more cancer cells. If you can kills of all cancer stem cells, then the cancer may be cured.


Cancer stem cells are the true cause of cancer?
Yes, true, that has recently resurfaced in cancer research. Some people are beginning to think that cancer relapses might actually be due especially to leftover cancer stem cells in the body (traditional chemo is not very discriminate and will also kill those, at least partially...).

But I had not heard yet of stem-cell targetting agents. I will look into this. Seems interesting.
Reply:In my family, cancer is a constant (mom, me, sister, aunts, cousins, uncles). In fact, my uncle and I have had the same rare cancer (about 40 people a year get it world wide). So I know there is a genetic connection probably passed on through the cells from my mothers family. While my mom was one of the first people to be on the Mayo's breast cancer drug, which is fantastic, we as her children are hesitant to go to get "mapped". If there is a cell or gene that causes cancer and if you are marked as a pre-disposed person, I don't want that to inpact me in the future (for insurance purposes). By the way, my cancers have always been spurred on by hormonal changes, new birth control, new baby, things like that. I think they still have a long way to go and funding your local research center or a privatly funded center will make your dollars worth while - please look into it.
Reply:This is a relatively new theory. In my opinion, it has alot of credence. Unfortunately, many people have misinterpreted this news to infer that stem cells cure cancer.

See my previous answers:;...;...
Reply:There is a cancer stem cell and it leads to active cancer. It is usually caused by a genetic defect usually on chromosome 12. Because of the number of genes that possibly cause it, the cell can be propogated by any one of millions of genetic combinations. When we learn how to turn the switches off in the cell, if ever, we will have the cure for cancer. It is a ways off though.

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